Faculty Grants

The faculty grants program is on hiatus for 2021-22 and is currently being reevaluated in light of changing strategic priorities and the evolving higher education research funding landscape.


Faculty are invited to compete for funds that will allow them to undertake a project to promote intellectual engagement among all students, with an explicit emphasis on promoting inclusion and belonging among underrepresented and/or marginalized students of color on your campus. We provide grants for faculty to develop and design initiatives aligned with institutional needs. Faculty members in all disciplines may submit proposals, individually or as a group.

Projects should focus on pedagogy and enhancing the faculty role in promoting student success and achievement — directed at how we teach and/or how we engage our students and colleagues in thinking about how we teach (and learn), rather than what we teach. Past projects have included pedagogical improvements to courses, mentoring workshops for faculty, and other efforts to enhance the faculty role in promoting student engagement and success. Here is one example of a recently completed project supported by a CHAS faculty grant: “Researching Diversity at Kenyon College.”

The resulting research must be presented at a future CHAS meeting. We encourage sharing results with the broader world, through a publicly-accessible website or other technologically-enabled means.

Eligibility: All faculty members at CHAS member institutions that have paid dues for the 2021-22 academic year are eligible to apply. Funding will be awarded for projects that will conclude no later than December 31, 2022. The number of grants awarded is determined annually, based on available funds. Priority will be given to untenured and early career faculty; visiting faculty are also encouraged to apply.

Deadline: The deadline for submissions was Friday, October 1.

Award: In 2021-22, a maximum award of $5,000 in funds may be provided, up to $2,000 of which may be taken as stipend, based on the project scope and budget submitted with the proposal.

Instructions: Each submission, which should be no more than 3-4 pages, should include the following information:

  1. A brief description of your project and its potential to effect institutional change and promote student engagement.
  2. A budget, budget justification, and timeline for completion of the project.
  3. A brief summary of your background in promoting student achievement and success in the classroom, and how this project relates to other institutional efforts to promote intellectual engagement among all students on your campus, with special emphasis on promoting inclusion and belonging among underrepresented and/or marginalized students of color.
  4. Your commitment to share the project and outcomes with the larger CHAS community, including a mandatory presentation at a meeting to be scheduled by CHAS upon completion of your project.
  5. Append an endorsement letter from the Chief Academic Officer at your institution.

All Materials should be submitted by email no later than Friday, October 1, 2021, to: thechas.org@gmail.com