Two paths for completing the Chemistry major are outlined below.  The two plans differ depending on the research interests of the students.  The first plan is recommended for students planning to do research in physical chemistry.  The second plan is recommended for students planning to do research in analytical chemistry.  Students intending to do research in inorganic or organic chemistry can follow either path.

First Suggested Four-Year Course Planner for the Chemistry Major

This plan is recommended for students with research interests in Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry.

1st Year

Fall Spring
CHEM 111L Introductory Chemistry I CHEM 112L Introductory Chemistry II
Calculus (MATH 125 or higher)* Calculus *
First-Year Seminar Elective
Elective Elective

*The specific calculus course taken will depend on the results of the mathematics placement exam.

The chemistry major requires math through Calculus II (MATH-132 or MATH-142), but students are encouraged (especially students who are intending to pursue graduate work) to take additional math courses, for example Linear Algebra (MATH-228), Calculus III (MATH-231) and/or Differential Equations (MATH-234).

2nd Year

Fall Spring
CHEM 211L Elementary Organic Chemistry I CHEM 212L Elementary Organic Chemistry II
PHYS 131L Mechanics & Heat PHYS 231L Electricity and Magnetism and Waves
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

3rd Year

Fall Spring
CHEM 309L  Physical Chemistry I CHEM 310 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 313 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 314L Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

4th Year

Fall Spring
CHEM 311L Analytical Chemistry CHEM 312L Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
CHEM 400-level elective** CHEM 400-level elective**
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

** Possible electives:  CHEM-403 (Advanced Organic Chemistry I, spring), CHEM-404 (Biological Chemistry, fall), CHEM-406 (Advanced Organic Chemistry II, spring), CHEM-415 (Organometallic Chemistry,fall), CHEM-418 (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, spring), CHEM-425 (Research-Laboratory), CHEM-498 (Senior Thesis) and CHEM-499 (Senior Thesis Part II). Students intending to pursue graduate work in Chemistry should take as many elective courses as possible.

NOTE: For certification by the American Chemical Society, students must take CHEM-404 and CHEM-425.

Second Suggested Four-Year Course Planner

This plan is recommended for students with research interests in Analytical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

1st Year

Fall Spring
First-year seminar
CHEM 111L Introductory Chemistry I CHEM 112L Introductory Chemistry II
Calculus (MATH 125 or higher)* Calculus *
Elective Elective

*The specific calculus course taken will depend on the results of the mathematics placement exam.

The chemistry major requires math through Calculus II (MATH-132 or MATH-142), but students are encouraged (especially students who are intending to pursue graduate work) to take additional math courses, for example Linear Algebra (MATH-228), Calculus III (MATH-231) and/or Differential Equations (MATH-234).

2nd Year

Fall Spring
CHEM 211L Elementary Organic Chemistry I CHEM 212L Elementary Organic Chemistry II
PHYS 131L Mechanics & Heat PHYS 231L Electricity and Magnetism and Waves
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

3rd Year

Fall Spring
CHEM 311L Analytical Chemistry CHEM 312L Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
CHEM 313 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 314L Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

4th Year

Fall Spring
CHEM 309L  Physical Chemistry I CHEM 310 Physical Chemistry II
CHEM 400-level elective** CHEM 400-level elective**
Elective Elective
Elective Elective

** Possible electives:  CHEM-403 (Advanced Organic Chemistry I, spring), CHEM-404 (Biological Chemistry, fall), CHEM-406 (Advanced Organic Chemistry II, spring), CHEM-415 (Organometallic Chemistry, fall), CHEM-418 (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, spring), CHEM-425 (Research-Laboratory), CHEM-497 (Senior Thesis) and CHEM-498 (Senior Thesis Part II).  Students intending to pursue graduate work in Chemistry should take as many elective courses as possible.

NOTE: For certification by the American Chemical Society, students must take CHEM 404 and CHEM 425.