Exercise 3

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These two graphs show the relationship between year and percentage.  They differ because one shows a chart that has a more intense increase, which is more pleasing to the eye when being used, for example, regarding percentage of passing CMT scores.  The other shows the same information, just with a less visually appealing slope.

Exercise 4: Multifamily Zoning merged with CT town boundaries (Multifamily housing density)

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This map shows the disparities between Multifamily Zoning and Connecticut Town Boundaries.  The color differences show the changes in maximum density for multifamily housing and how it varies through Connecticut.  As the green becomes a darker shade, the maximum density for multifamily housing increases.  This means that in the areas with very dark green, the “units” (number of individual people) per acre are the highest.  Meriden and East Hartford show the highest density per acre on this map at 87.12 units per acre.  A way that one could manipulate this map further to show these differences even more visually obvious is to change the colors of the map so that the higher density per acre cities are a shade of, for example, red, rather than green.