Diego Barcena

Diego Barcena

Hello, my name is Diego Barcena. Coming from a Mexican household has shaped me into who I am. I am determined to finish college and ease my parents’ life. I decided to take Intro to Hispanic Harford because I understand that the community is also facing similar problems to mine. Getting to interact with the community will also give me a sense home. I was born and raised in Oakland, CA, a primarily Mexican neighborhood. I started my studies at Saint Elizabeth Elementary School and later moved on to Archbishop Riordan High School in San Francisco, CA. Throughout this time I have enjoyed playing club soccer, running HS Cross Country , and running HS Track and Field. My favorite sport was Club Boxing. I enjoyed it and it was one of the reasons I picked Trinity College. I also participated in many school clubs such as Crusader Brothers, Latinos Unidos, and NHS. All these clubs were fun; however, my favorite activity was Band because I got to experience competition through teamwork. It is an activity in which I felt like I had a second family. During my senior year in High School I realized that I wanted to leave California for College. So I applied to many colleges out of state. Near the end of High School I chose Trinity College because of all the programs it offers. So here I am.