Expanded Reading List


History of Psychology  Psych 314

Fall 2017

Reading List

  • Autobiography

      • Boring, E.G. Psychologist at Large. Book in the Trinity library.
    The links to the 7 autobiographies below list the names of the people in each volume. This is the easiest way to find this information.  The ones that are available online are linked.  Otherwise, you need to find the book in the library to read the autobiography.
  • Skinner, B.F. Particulars of my life.
  • Skinner, B.F. The Shaping of a Behaviorist.
  • Biography

    • Buckley, K. Mechanical Man. (Watson)
    • Cohen David J. B. Watson: The Founder of Behaviourism.
    • Hale, Matthew. Human Science and Social Order (Munsterberg).
    • Hearnshaw, L.S. Cyril Burt, Psychologist.
    • Jonçich, G. The Sane Positivist (E.L. Thorndike)
    • Mills, Eugene. George Trumbull Ladd
    • Reed, E. S. James J. Gibson and the Psychology of Perception.
    • Ross, D. G. Stanley Hall.
    • Seagoe, May Violet. Terman and the Gifted.
    • Sokal, M. The education and psychological career of James McKeen Cattell.
  • General

    • Lapointe, F. Origin and Evolution of the term “Psychology.” American Psychologist, 1970, 25 , 640-646.
    • Weimer, W. Psycholinguistics and Plato’s Paradoxes of the Meno. American Psychologist, 1973, 28, 15-33.
    • Hilgard in Annual Review of Psychology
  • Genealogy

    • Boring, N.D. & Boring, E.G. Masters and pupils among the American psychologists. American Journal of Psychology, 1948, 61, 527-534.
    • Lubek, I., Innis, N., Kroger, R., McGuire, G., Stam, H. & Hermann, T. (1995). Faculty genealogies in five Canadian universities: Historiographical and pedagogical concerns. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 31, 52 – 72.
  • Essays on People

    • Begelman, D. Review of Cohen book on Watson. Contemporary Psychology 1980, 25, 363-3~4.
    • Blumenthal, A. A reappraisal of Wilhelm Wundt. American Psychologist, 1975, 1081-1088.
    • Boring, E. G. Human Nature vs. Sensation: William James and the Psychology of the present. American Journal of Psychology 1942, 55, 310-327.
    • Henle, Mary. One man against the Nazis-Wolfgang Kohler, American Psychologist, 1978, 934-944.
    • Helson, H. E.G.B. The early years and change of course. American Psychologist, 1970, 25, 625-629.
    • Letters on review of Watson biography. Contemporary Psychology, 1981, 26, 62-64.
    • Moskowitz, M.J. Hugo Munsterberg – A Study in the History of Applied Psychology, American Psychologist, 1977, 824-842.
    • Sokal, Michael M. Science and James McKeen Cattell, 1894 to 1945. Science 1980 , 209, (4 July), 43-52 .
    • Stevens, S.S. Obituary of E.G. Boring. American Journal Psychology 1968, 81 , 589-606.
  • Reformatted William James readings

      • Consciousness of the Self   There are many readings linked to the Classics in the History of Psychology website.  They are not formatted with good margins.   This is to illustrate that you can copy the text from those articles and paste them into Word to get a more readable version if you are sensitive to that.


  • Controversy

    • Boring, E.G. The Psychology of Controversy. Psychological Review, 1929, 36 , 97-121.
    • Evans, Rand B. Scott, F.J.D. The 1913 International Congress of Psychology. The American Congress That Wasn’ t. American Psychologist 1978, 711-723.
  • Orientations

    • Boring, E.G. A history of introspection. Psychological Bulletin, 1953, 50, 169-189.
    • Boring, E.G. Psychology for eclectics. In Murchison, C. Psychologies of 1930.
    • Guttman, N. On Skinner and Hull. American Psychologist, 1977. 321-328.
    • Helson, H. Why did their precursors fail and the Gestalt Psychologists succeed? American Psychologist, 1969, 24 , 1006-1011.
    • Kohler, W. Gestalt Psychology Today. American Psychologist 1959, 14, 727-734.
    • Watson, J.B. Psychology as the Behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 1913, 20, 158-177.
    • Woodward, W.R. The “discovery” of social behaviorism and social learning theory, 1870-1980.American Psychologist, 1982, 37, 396-410.
  • Trends

    • McKinney, F. Fifty years of Psychology. American Psychologist, 1976, 834-842.
    • Benjamin, L.T. The Midwest Psychological Association. A history of its organization and its antecedents, 1902-1978. American Psychologist 1979, 34, 201-213. (March),
    • Benjamin, L.T. The Psychological Round Table, Revolution of 1936. American Psychologist, 1977, 542-549.
    • Boring, E.G. The Society of Experimental Psychologists, 1904-1938. American Journal of Psychology, 1938, 51, 410-423.
    • Dennis, W. Boring, E.G. The founding of the APA. American Psychologist, 1952, 1, 95-97.
    • Fernberger, W.W. The American Psychological Association, 1892-1942. Psychological Review 1943, 50, 33-60. (A few short bonus articles follow this one.)
    • Finison, L.S. Unemployment, politics, and the history of organized psychology. American Psychologist, 1976, 747-755. .
    • Langfeld, H.S. Jubilee of the Psychological Review. Psychological Review (about 1944.)
    • Münsterberg, H. 1898 APA Presidential address Münsterberg, H.  (1899).  Psychology and History.  Psychological Review, 6, 1 – 31.   Also available in original format.
  • Psychology as Experiments

    • Cartwright, D. Determinants of scientific Progress. American Psychologist, 1973, 222-231.
    • Estes, W.K. Learning. In Annual Review of Psychology, 1956.
    • Letters on O’Donnell article. American Psychologist, 1980, 35, 467-472.
    • Newell, A. You can’t play 20 questions with nature and win. In W. Chase (Ed.) Visual Information Processing.
    • O’Donnell, J.M. The crisis of experimentalism in the 1920’s. E.G. Boring and his uses of history. American Psychologist, 1979, (April) 289-295.
    • Wachtel, P.L. Investigations and its discontents. American Psychologist, 1980, 35, 399-408.
    • Tulving, E. & Madigan, S.A. Memory and verbal learning. Annual Review of Psychology 1970.
  • Clinical

    • Benjamin, L. T. A History of clinical psychology as a profession in America (and a glimpse at its future). Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2005, 1, 1 – 30.
    • Napoli, Donald S. Architects of Adjustment: The History of the Psychological Profession in the United States.
    • Reisman, John M. A History of Clinical Psychology.
    • Sarason, S. An Asocial Psychology and a Misdirected Clinical Psychology. American Psychologist, 1981, 35, 827-836.
    • Shakow, David. Clinical Psychology as Science and Profession.
    • Watson, Robert I. A Brief History of Clinical Psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 1953, 50, 321-346.
    • Zilboorg, G. A History of Medical Psychology.
  • Philosophy of Science

    • Kuhn, T. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
    • Lakatos, I. & Musgrave, A. Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge.
    • Ravetz, J. Scientific Knowledge and its Social Problems.
  • Reference Volumes

    • Schuyler, Robert L. (Ed.) Dictionary of American Biography.
    • Watson, Robert I. Eminent Contributors to Psychology.

History Syllabus