The Thomas Church Brownell Prize for Teaching Excellence
Calling on Trinity alumni to honor the professors who made an impact on their lives
Did you have a teacher who changed the way you think? Influenced your career choices? Helped you to wake up intellectually? Or in any other way altered your life? If so, you have a wonderful chance to pay tribute to that teacher. The Thomas Church Brownell Prize for Teaching Excellence, which recognizes consistently outstanding teaching by a senior faculty member, is awarded annually at Commencement. All alumni/ae are invited to submit nominations explaining in 200 to 300 words why they believe a favorite professor deserves this prestigious award. Nominations should be sent to Janet Marotto via e-mail ( or postal mail (Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Williams Memorial 118 at the College). The nomination deadline is Monday, November 18, 2013.
Tenured associate and full professors who have been at the College for at least three years, teach full time, will not retire prior to June 30, 2015, and have not previously received the Brownell Prize are eligible. A complete list of eligible faculty appears below.
The Brownell Prize Selection Committee hopes many graduates will nominate someone whose teaching made a critical contribution to their education. The Brownell Prize was created through an endowment gift from an anonymous alumnus in 1986. Robert Stewart (Mathematics) was the first recipient, followed in order by Diane Zannoni (Economics), Drew Hyland (Philosophy), Milla Riggio (English), Dina Anselmi (Psychology), Craig Schneider (Biology), Dirk Kuyk (English), Henry DePhillips (Chemistry), Jack Chatfi eld (History), Sheila Fisher (English), Ralph Morelli (Computer Science), Tim Curran (Chemistry), Frank Kirkpatrick (Religion), Ellison Findly (Religion), and Sam Kassow (History).
If you have questions about the Brownell Prize, please direct them to Associate Academic Dean Sonia Cardenas at
Faculty eligible for 2014 Brownell Prize
Zayde Antrim
Carol Any
E. Kathleen Archer
Raymond Baker
Davarian Baldwin
Wendy C. Bartlett
Jeffrey Bayliss
Barbara Benedict
Sarah Bilston
Daniel Blackburn
Harry Blaise
David Branning
William Butos
Joseph Byrne
Jean Cadogan
Stefanie Chambers
William Church
Carol Clark
Sean Cocco
Robert Corber
David Cruz-Uribe
Kathleen A. Curran
Wendy Davis
Dario Del Puppo
Pablo Delano
Jack Dougherty
Kent Dunlap
Andrea Dyrness
Judy Dworin
Jonathan Elukin
Dario Euraque
Diana Evans
Johannes Evelein
Lesley Farlow
Luis Figueroa
Michael C. FitzGerald
Robert Fleming
Andrew Flibbert
Lisa-Anne Foster
Scott Gac
Eric Galm
Christoph Geiss
John Georges
Alden Gordon
Cheryl Greenberg
Adam Grossberg
Hebe Guardiola-Diaz
Christopher Hager
Thomas Harrington
Joan Hedrick
Barbara Karger/Michael
Jean-Marc Kehrès
Kathleen Kete
Ronald Kiener
Robert Kirschbaum
Katherine Lahti
Anne Lambright
Paul Lauter
Michael Lestz
Dan Lloyd
William Mace
Donna-Dale Marcano
Susan Masino
David Mauro
Kevin McMahon
John Mertens
Anthony Messina
Takunari Miyazaki
Theresa Morris
Joan Morrison
Gerald Moshell
Ralph Moyer
Garth Myers
Jane Nadel-Klein
Taikang Ning
Beth Notar
Joseph Palladino
Maria Parr
Diana Paulin
John Platoff
Mitchell Polin
Vijay Prashad
Miguel Ramirez
Sarah Raskin
Gary Reger
David Reuman
Martha Risser
David Rosen
Paula Russo
Todd Ryan
Seth Sanders
Mary Sandoval
Mark Setterfi eld
Mark Silverman
Scott Smedley
Gregory Smith
Madalene Spezialetti
Mark Stater
Patricia Tillman
Kristin Triff
James Trostle
Stephen Valocchi
Erik Vogt
Maurice Wade
Barbara Walden
Chloe Wheatley
Johnny Williams
Gail Woldu
Nancy J. Wyshinski
Peter Yoon