Books and Other Media


Watching Vesuvius: A History of Science and Culture in Early Modern Italy
Sean Cocco, Associate Professor of History
The University of Chicago Press, 2012; 322 pages

Word by Word: Emancipation and the Act of Writing
Christopher Hager, Associate Professor of English
Harvard University Press, 2013; 311 pages

The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South
Vijay Prashad, George and Martha Kellner Chair in South Asian History and Professor of International Studies
Verso, 2012; 292 pages

After the Great Recession: The Struggle for Economic Recovery and Growth
Edited by Mark Setterfield, Charles A. Dana Research and Maloney Family
Distinguished Professor of Economics, Barry Z. Cynamon, and Steven M. Fazzari
Cambridge University Press, 2013; 340 pages

Home from the Banks
Arthur William Raybold ’52
Wigeon Publishing, 2012; 69 pages

Chasing the Muse: Poems by A L Lieber
Arnold L. Lieber ’59
Xlibris Corporation, 2012; 78 pages

Favorite Words of Famous People
Lewis Burke Frumkes ’61
Marion Street Press, 2011; 125 pages

Great White Fleet: Celebrating Canada Steamship Lines Passenger Ships
John Henry ’61
Dundurn, 2013; 142 pages

Letters from America: Essays with a New York State of Mind
Deyan Ranko Brashich ’62
Scrisul Romanesc Foundation–Publisher, 2013; 263 pages

Deborah Buck: Exhibition Catalog
Deborah Buck ’78
Buck House, 2012; 82 pages

The Four Seasons of Buck House
Deborah Buck ’78
Buck House, 2013; 80 pages

Deborah Buck ’78
Buck House, 2009; 82 pages

The Franchise MBA: Mastering the Four Essential Steps to Owning a Franchise
Nick Neonakis ’93
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013; 221 pages

Compassion Commitment Community
Edited by Devika Waney ’96 and Natalie Marr
2012; 103 pages

If you have a book, CD, or blog that you would like listed in the Reporter, please notify the Editor at