Opportunity, Passion, Gratitude

Scholars embrace all aspects of the Trinity experience

By Kathy Andrews

More than 90,000 applicants vied for Morgan Stanley’s sought-after summer program for analysts and associates, and Mackenze Genauer ’16 was one of just 1,000 hired. He worked four days a week as a summer analyst at the New York-based bank, owner of the world’s largest brokerage.
Photo: Chris Herder

Mackenze Genauer ’16
The recipient of the William O. Frawley ’60 Scholarship and a member of the Trinity baseball team, Mackenze Genauer ’16 is equally immersed in academics and other activities about which he is passionate. Last May, as he was trying to line up a summer internship in the financial services field, he thought his chances of receiving an offer from one of his targeted firms looked slim. But after developing backup options for summer employment, the economics and mathematics double major received two attractive offers. With seemingly boundless energy and the sort of work ethic any employer would welcome, Genauer accepted both positions, working four days a week for Morgan Stanley in New York City as a summer analyst and every Friday in Hartford at RBC, job shadowing a vice president/financial adviser.

Game-changing experiences
Genauer spends long hours in the library on his economics assignments but prefers doing math homework in his dorm room. “Math proofs are more creative,” he explains. He has always excelled at math but has discovered many opportunities at college “to step out of my comfort zone–to grow as a person.” Being on the baseball team is a big part of his Trinity experience–and not just the practices and games. For Do It Day, Trinity’s community service day held in September, the entire team did a project at a local community playground. “My best friends all come from the team–they are all humble, great guys.” He also works for Ferris Athletic Center, tracking stats for volleyball and serving as a ball boy for field hockey, in addition to doing other administrative tasks.

Life-changing people
Genauer describes his mathematics adviser, Nancy Wyshinski, associate professor of mathematics, as “extremely helpful, always available to talk.” His economics adviser, Joshua Stillwagon, assistant professor of economics, “is a very smart guy,” he says, adding, “often I stay after class to pick his brain.” And then there is the couple who created his scholarship. Genauer doesn’t know how he could ever express the debt of gratitude he feels toward the Scullys–Marlynn and William P. Scully ’61. He thinks about their sponsorship often and feels inspired that “there are people like them in the world, who would do something like this for someone they’ve never met.”


Consuelo Pedro ’15 checks that all of the electrodes are in place before conducting an electroencephalogram on one of her research subjects. Pedro has worked three years, including two summers, on research related to traumatic brain injury and prospective memory in the Trinity lab of Sarah Raskin, professor neuroscience and psychology.
Photo: John Atashian

Consuelo Pedro ’15
When she was searching for the right college, Consuelo Pedro ’15, who hails from Trinidad and Tobago, had in mind a small, liberal arts school in New England. She was surprised at how she could get to know Trinity without even leaving home. First, she met Milla Riggio, James J. Goodwin Professor of English, who coordinates the Trinity-in-Trinidad Global Learning site. “I remember thinking, if there are more professors like her, I want to be there!” says Pedro. Then, after e-mailing with Associate Director of Admissions Mandi Haines, Pedro learned that Haines would make a trip to Trinidad to meet prospective students. Pedro, whose dream is to be a doctor of physical therapy, was thrilled to be accepted to Trinity as a participant in the rigorous Interdisciplinary Science Program (ISP) and as the recipient of the Andrew S. Terhune ’78 Scholarship. She loves the ISP philosophy of science, which she sums up as, “It’s not about us, it’s about helping others through science,” and she laughs about the T-shirts she and other ISP students wear: on the back, ISP is defined as “Intensive Sleep-deprivation Program.”

Game-changing experiences Pedro will never forget writing two four-page papers a week as a first-year student–the ISP’s “baptism by fire,” as she puts it. “Each paper is based on science-related readings of up to 50 pages, involving different disciplines of science. But you can write any paper after that,” she says. A neuroscience major, she marvels that Trinity enabled her to present research at two conferences in 2013: the Cognitive Neuroscience Society’s annual conference in San Francisco and a meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego. On campus, Pedro has been active with the Caribbean Students Association and represented that organization on the Multicultural Affairs Council. She received an award for outstanding community service from Trinity’s Office of Community Service and Civic Engagement. One of her favorite activities was mentoring girls at Hartford Public High School. About that experience, she says, “These girls need to know that education is enjoyable. I was there to help inspire them.”

Life-changing people
For Pedro, especially valued mentors are Alison Draper, director of the Interdisciplinary Science Center, and Sarah Raskin, professor of neuroscience and psychology, with whom Pedro conducts research on traumatic brain injury and prospective memory. Haines, in Admissions, also has been “a guiding and nurturing force on campus,” says Pedro, who was recently nominated to serve as a Student Admissions Associate. Another important Trinity person for Pedro is Andrew S. Terhune ’78, her scholarship donor, with whom she looks forward to catching up every year at the Scholars Reception. Terhune says, “My wife and I don’t have children, and I wanted to pass on to the next generation some of the advantages I received from a Trinity education. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had a role in Consuelo’s experience.”


Yanique Anderson ’15 waves to attendees of Trinity’s Long Walk Societies Celebration in New York City, at which she and other members of the Shondaa Steppers performed last April.
Photo: John Atashian

Yanique Anderson ’15
In the three years since Yanique Anderson ’15 arrived on campus, she has developed a guiding principle for her life: pursue your passion, without fear and without regrets. A New York City Posse Scholar who was born in Jamaica, Anderson has diligently explored a range of educational experiences and initially found it challenging to select a major. Now a senior, she is fully engaged as a double major in theater and dance and human rights and has had an array of adventures. She has interned with two performing arts organizations that are committed to social justice. She participated in the 2012 River Cities of Asia summer study program and the Trinity/La MaMa Performing Arts Semester in New York City. A dancer, choreographer, and poet, Anderson is captain of Trinity’s Shondaa Steppers and president of the Zeta Omega Eta sorority.

Game-changing experiences
Anderson describes her participation in the River Cities of Asia program as “exhilarating,” explaining that she traveled to China, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia with other students and three Trinity professors to study public policy issues related to water, history, and urban development in cities along major rivers in those countries. Back on campus, one of her most riveting classes was “Human Rights through Performance: Incarcerated” in which students look at life behind prison walls and create a cumulative performance piece at the end of the semester. Also, Anderson says, it has been a privilege to intern at Ping Chong + Company and the Judy Dworin Performance Project (founded by Judy Dworin ’70, Trinity professor of theater and dance, in 1989). “These organizations challenged me intellectually and fostered my understanding of the role and importance of the arts in addressing important cultural and civic issues.”

Life-changing people
Lesley Farlow
, associate professor of theater and dance, has been Anderson’s mentor and adviser since her first year. “She has been a source of encouragement and support, and I am forever grateful to Lesley,” says Anderson. She also is thankful for donors who support the Posse Scholarship Program. There are more than 80 Posse Scholars at Trinity, supported by three different endowments established by Mark and Leslie Cooper Sillcox ’78, the Tortora Sillcox Family Foundation, Garrett and Mary Penniman Moran ’76, and Sheila and Charles R. Perrin ’67. About her scholarship, Anderson says, “I feel absolutely blessed and honored that others recognized my hard work and my abilities, and I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my academic goals.”