
Edited volumes

Starck, J.M. and D.G. Blackburn (editors). 2015. Fetal Nutritional Adaptations. Special issue of the Journal of Morphology published online

Blackburn, D.G. and M. K. Richardson. 2009. Editors:  Trends in Evolution of Amniote Embryos.  Journal of Experimental Zoology B.  Molecular and Developmental Evolution 312B.   Special Issue online

Blackburn, D.G., A. Mess, and U. Zeller. 2003.  Editors: Evolutionary Transformations of Fetal Membranes and Reproductive Strategies.  Journal of Experimental Zoology A. Experimental Comparative Biology, volume 299A. Special issue online

Blackburn, D.G. 1996. Editor: Methods in Neuroscience: The Undergraduate Laboratory Experience.  Trinity College Press, Hartford, CT.   150 pp.

Papers and book chapters
* asterisks mark papers published with Trinity undergraduate research students

Blackburn, D.G. 2018a. Reproduction in reptiles. Encyclopedia of Reproduction, 2nd ed., Vol. 6 (M.K. Skinner and P. Swanson, eds.). Elsevier Press (in press).

Blackburn, D.G. 2018b. Viviparity in reptiles and amphibians. Encyclopedia of Reproduction, 2nd ed., Vol. 6 (M.K. Skinner and P. Swanson, eds.). Elsevier Press (in press).

Hughes, D.F., D.G. Blackburn, L. Wilber, and M. Behangana 2018c. New distribution records, observations on natural history, and notes on reproduction of the poorly known Sudanese Unicorn Chameleon (Chamaeleonidae: Trioceros conirostratus) from Uganda, Africa.  Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (in press).

* Blackburn, D.G., K.E. Anderson, K.W. Aronson, M.K. Burket, J.F. Chin, S.K. San-Francisco, and I.P. Callard. 2017a. Placentation in watersnakes I: Placental histology and development in North American Nerodia (Colubridae: Natricinae). Journal of Morphology 278: 665-674.

* Blackburn, D.G., K.E. Anderson, A.R. Lo, E.C. Marquez, and I.P. Callard. 2017b. Placentation in watersnakes. II. Placental ultrastructure in Nerodia erythrogaster (Colubridae: Natricinae). Journal of Morphology 278: 675-688.

* Powers, K.G. and D.G. Blackburn. 2017c. Morphological specializations of the yolk sac for yolk processing in embryonic corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus: Colubridae). Journal of Morphology 278: 768-779.

* Powers, K.G. and D.G. Blackburn. 2017d. A novel pattern of yolk processing in developing snake eggs (Colubridae: Lampropeltini) and its functional and evolutionary implications. Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 328B: 462-475.

* Blackburn D.G., L. Paulesu, A.M. Avanzati, and M. Roth. 2017e. History of reptile placentology, Part III: Giacomini’s 1891 histological monograph on lizard placentation. Placenta 60: 93-99.

Blackburn, D.G. 2016a. History of reptile placentology. Part II. Wilhelm Haacke’s 1885 account of lizard viviparity. Zoologischer Anzeiger 261: 66-69.

Blackburn, D.G. and A. Arsov.  2016b. Somerset Maugham’s apocryphal self-description: setting the record straight.  English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920. vol. 59:139-152.

* Kim, Y.K. and D.G. Blackburn. 2016c. Fetal membrane ultrastructure and development in the oviparous milksnake Lampropeltis triangulum (Colubridae), with reference to function and evolution in snakes. Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 326: 290-302.

Blackburn, D.G. 2015a. Evolution of vertebrate viviparity and specializations for fetal nutrition: a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Journal of Morphology 276: 961–990. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20272 online paper

Blackburn, D.G. 2015b. Viviparous placentotrophy in reptiles and the parent – offspring conflict. Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324: 532-548. online paper

Blackburn, D.G. 2015c. Evolution of viviparity in squamate reptiles: reversibility reconsidered.  Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324: 473-486. online paper

Blackburn, D.G. and J.M. Starck. 2015d. Morphological specializations for fetal maintenance in viviparous vertebrates: an introduction and historical retrospective.  Journal of Morphology.  DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20410 online paper

Stewart, J.R. and D.G. Blackburn. 2015e. Viviparity and placentation in lizards. Pp 448-563 in: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Lizards and Tuatara (J. L. Rheubert, D. S. Siegel, and S E. Trauth, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Book location

Griffith, O.W., D.G. Blackburn, M.C. Brandley, J.U. Van Dyke, C.M. Whittington, and M.B. Thompson. 2015f.  Ancestral state reconstructions require biological evidence to test evolutionary hypotheses: a case study examining the evolution of reproductive mode in squamate reptiles.  Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 324: 493-503. online paper

Blackburn D.G., A.M. Avanzati, and L. Paulesu. 2015g. Classics revisited. History of reptile placentology: Cesare Studiati’s 1855 description of placentation in a viviparous lizard. Placenta 36: 1207-1211.

* Kim, Y.K. and D.G. Blackburn. 2015h. Ultrastructure of the fetal membranes of the oviparous kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula (Colubridae) as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Morphology 276: 1467-1481.

Elinson, R.P., J.R. Stewart, L.J. Bonneau, and D.G. Blackburn. 2014a.   Amniote yolk sacs: diversity in reptiles and a hypothesis on their origin.  International Journal of Developmental Biology 58: 889-894. online paper

Blackburn, D.G. and C.A. Sidor.  2014b. Evolution of viviparous reproduction in Paleozoic and Mesozoic reptiles. International Journal of Developmental Biology 58: 935-948. online paper

Blackburn, D.G. and A. Arsov.  2014c.   Three ‘lost stories’ of W. Somerset Maugham.  English Literature in Transition, 1880- 1920, vol. 57: 3-36. Online paper

Blackburn, D.G. and A.F. Flemming.  2012.  Invasive ovo-implantation and intimate placental associations in a placentotrophic African lizard.  Journal of Morphology 273: 137-159. Online paper

Blackburn, D.G. and J.R. Stewart.  2011a.  Viviparity and placentation in snakes.  Pages 119-181. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes (R.D. Aldridge & D.M. Sever, eds).  Science Publishers, Enfield, NH.  Book location

* Anderson, K.E., D.G. Blackburn, and K.D. Dunlap. 2011b.  Scanning EM of the placental interface in the mountain spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovi. Journal of Morphology 272: 465-484.       Abstract

Blackburn, D.G., and A.F. Flemming.  2010a.  Reproductive specializations in a viviparous African skink: implications for evolution and biological conservation.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5: 263-270.    Online paper

* Blackburn, D.G., G.S. Gavelis, K.E. Anderson, A.R. Johnson, and K.D. Dunlap.  2010b.  Placental specializations in the mountain spiny lizard Sceloporus jarrovi.  Journal of Morphology 271:1153–1175. Abstract

Thompson, M.B., D.G. Blackburn, and S. L. Parker.   2010c.  Reproduction in reptiles, from genes to ecology: a retrospective and prospective vision.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5: 252-256.   Online paper

*Blackburn, D.G., K.E. Anderson, A.R. Johnson, S.R. Knight, and G.S. Gavelis.  2009a.  Histology and ultrastructure of the placental membranes of the viviparous brown snake, Storeria dekayi (Colubridae: Natricinae).  Journal of Morphology 270: 1137-1154.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G. and A. Flemming.  2009b.  Morphology, development, and evolution of fetal membranes and placentation in squamate reptiles.  Journal of Experimental Zoology B.  Molecular and Developmental Evolution 312B: 579-589.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G. and M.K. Richardson.  2009c.  Preface to the Symposium “Trends in the Evolution of Amniote Embryos”  Journal of Experimental Zoology B.  Molecular and Developmental Evolution 312B: 525.   Abstract

*Knight, S.M. Knight and D.G. Blackburn.  2008a.  Scanning electron microscopy of the fetal membranes of an oviparous squamate, the corn snake Pituophis guttatus (Colubridae).  Journal of Morphology 269:922-934.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  2008b.  The creationist attack on science and secular society.  In:  Science and Secularism in the 21st Century  (A. Keysar and B.A. Kosmin, eds.).   Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture, Trinity College.   PDF of chapter

Blackburn, D.G.  2006.  Squamate reptiles as model organisms for the evolution of viviparity.  Herpetological Monographs 20: 131-146.   PDF   Abstract Bioone abstract

Thompson, M.B. and D.G. Blackburn.  2006. Evolution of viviparity in reptiles: introduction to the symposium.  Herpetological Monographs 20: 129-130.  PDF  Online article

Blackburn, D.G.   2005a.  Evolutionary origins of viviparity in fishes.  In: Viviparity in Fishes (H. Grier and M.C. Uribe, eds.), pp. 303-317.  New Life Publications, Homestead, Florida.     PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  2005b.  Amniote perspectives on the evolution of viviparity and placentation.  In: Viviparity in Fishes (H. Grier and M.C. Uribe, eds.), pp. 319-340.  New Life Publications, Homestead, Florida.    PDF

Ecay, T.W., J.R. Stewart, and D.G. Blackburn.  2004.   Expression of calbindin-D28K by yolk sac and chorioallantoic membranes of the corn snake, Elaphe guttata.  Journal of Experimental Zoology 302B: 517-525.  Abstract   PDF

Stewart, J.R., T.W. Ecay, and D.G. Blackburn.  2004.   Sources and timing of calcium mobilization during embryonic development of the corn snake Pantherophis guttatus.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 139: 335-341.   Abstract     PDF

* Blackburn D.G., A. R. Johnson, and J. L. Petzold.  2003.  Histology of the extraembryonic membranes of an oviparous snake: towards a reconstruction of basal squamate patterns.  Journal of Experimental Zoology 299A: 48-58.  Abstract

* Blackburn, D.G., and R.L. Lorenz.   2003a.   Placentation in garter snakes.  Part  II.  Transmission EM of the chorioallantoic placenta of Thamnophis radix and T. sirtalis.  Journal of Morphology 256: 171-186. Abstract  PDF

* Blackburn, D.G., and R.L. Lorenz.  2003b.  Placentation in garter snakes.  Part  III.  Transmission EM of the omphalallantoic placenta of Thamnophis radix and T. sirtalis.  Journal of Morphology 256: 187-204.  Abstract  PDF

Blackburn, D.G., and A. Mess.  2003.  Preface to the Symposium on Evolutionary Transformations of Fetal Membranes and Reproductive Strategies (Sixth International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, University of Jena, Germany).  Journal of Experimental Zoology 299A: 1-2.  Abstract

Mess, A., D.G. Blackburn, and U. Zeller.  2003.  Evolutionary transformations of fetal membranes and reproductive strategies.  Journal of Experimental Zoology 299A: 3-12.   Abstract

Flemming, A.F. and D.G. Blackburn.  2003.  Evolution of placentotrophy in viviparous African and South American lizards.  Journal of Experimental Zoology 299A: 33-47.  Abstract

* Blackburn, D.G., K.K. Weaber, J.R. Stewart, and M.B. Thompson.  2003.  Do pregnant lizards reabsorb or abort inviable eggs?  Morphological evidence from an Australian skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri.  Journal of Morphology 256: 219-234.  Abstract    PDF

Blackburn, D.G. and L.J. Vitt.  2002.  Specializations of the chorioallantoic placenta in the Brazilian scincid lizard, Mabuya heathi:  A new placental morphotype for reptiles.  Journal of Morphology 254:121-131.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G. 2002. Use of phylogenetic analysis to distinguish adaptation from exaptation. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25: 507-508. PDF full article + commentaries

Blackburn, D.G., J.R. Stewart, D.C. Baxter, and L.H. Hoffman.  2002.   Placentation in garter snakes.  Scanning EM of the placental membranes of Thamnophis ordinoides and T. sirtalis.  Journal of Morphology 252:263-275.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  2000a. Classification of the reproductive patterns of amniotes. Herpetological Monographs 14: 371-377.  Abstract  PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  2000b. Reptilian viviparity: Past research, future directions, and appropriate models.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology — Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 127: 391- 409.    Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1999a. Are viviparity and egg-guarding evolutionarily labile in squamates? Herpetologica 55: 556-572.  Abstract    PDF

Blackburn, D.G.   1999b. Placentas, placental analogues, and fetal nutrition in reptiles and amphibians.  Pages 840-847, in Encyclopedia of Reproduction. T.E. Knobil and J.D. Neill, eds. Academic Press.  PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  1999c. Viviparity and oviparity: evolution and reproductive strategies.  Pages 994-1003, in Encyclopedia of Reproduction. T.E. Knobil and J.D. Neill, eds. Academic Press, New York.   PDF

Blackburn, D.G.   1999d.  Why race is not a biological concept.  In: Race and Racism in Theory and Practice (Berel Lang, editor), Rowman & and Littlefield, New York.

Blackburn, D.G.  1998a. Structure, function, and evolution of the oviducts of squamate reptiles, with special reference to viviparity and placentation. Journal of Experimental Zoology 282: 560-617.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1998b. Reconstructing the evolution of viviparity and placentation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 192: 183-190.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1998c. Resorption of oviductal eggs and embryos in squamate reptiles. Herpetological Journal 8: 65-71.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1998d.  New perspectives on the history of life.  Invited review of Biology as History. Vol. 1. Systematic Biology as Historical Science, edited by G. Pinna and M.T. Ghiselin. Vol 2. New Perspectives on the History of Life: Essays on Systematic Biology as Historical Narrative , edited by M.T. Ghiselin and G. Pinna. Quarterly Review of Biology 73: 73.   PDF

Blackburn, D.G., S. Kleis-San Francisco, and I.P. Callard.  1998.  Histology of abortive eggs sites in the uterus of a viviparous, placentotrophic lizard, the skink Chalcides chalcides. Journal of Morphology 235: 97-108.  Abstract

* Blackburn, D.G. and V.A. Bernardo.  1998. Sexual dimorphism and testosterone responsiveness in hypaxial muscles of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Amphibia – Reptilia 19: 269-279.    Abstract   PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  1997.  Invited Review Essay on River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life, by Richard Dawkins. Reports of the National Center for Science Education 17 (2).

Blackburn, D.G. and I.P. Callard.  1997.  Morphogenesis of the placental membranes in the viviparous, placentotrophic lizard Chalcides chalcides (Squamata: Scincidae). Journal of Morphology 231: 35-55. Abstract

* Epstein, M.S. and D.G. Blackburn.  1997.  Histology and histochemistry of androgen-stimulated nuptial pads in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, with notes on nuptial gland evolution. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75: 472-477.  Abstract

* Sidor, C. and D.G. Blackburn.  1998.  Effects of testosterone administration and castration on the forelimb musculature of male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Journal of Experimental Zoology 280: 28-37.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1996. Invited Review Essay on Dinosaur Extinction and the End of an Era: What the Fossils Say, by J. David Archibald. Creation/ Evolution 16(2): 41-43. (Journal of the National Center for Science Education)

Blackburn, D.G.  1995a. Saltationist and punctuated equilibrium models for the evolution of viviparity and placentation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 174: 199-216.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1995b. Paleontology meets the creationist challenge. Creation/ Evolution 15: 26-38. (Journal of the National Center for Science Education; refereed review).   PDF

* Blackburn, D.G., R.S. Darrell, K.T. Lonergan, R.P. Mancini, and C.A. Sidor.  1995.  Differential androgen sensitivity of sexually dimorphic forelimb muscles of male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens : test of a model system. Amphibia-Reptilia 16: 351-356.  Online paper

* Lynch, L. and D.G. Blackburn.  1995. Effects of testosterone administration and gonadectomy on nuptial pad morphology in overwintering male leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Amphibia-Reptilia 16: 113-121.    Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1994a. Discrepant usage of the term “ovoviviparity” in the herpetological literature. Herpetological Journal 4: 65-72.     PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  1994b. Standardized criteria for the recognition of developmental nutritional patterns in squamate reptiles. Copeia 1994: 925-935.  Abstract    PDF

Blackburn, D.G. and C.W. Schneider.  1994. Old wine in a new bottle: evolution by another name. Journal of Theoretical Biology 171: 233 237. article at Science direct

Blackburn, D.G.  1993a. Standardized criteria for the recognition of reproductive modes in squamate reptiles. Herpetologica 49: 118-132.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1993b. Histology of the late-stage placentae of the matrotrophic skink Chalcides chalcides (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Journal of Morphology 216: 179-195.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.   1993c. Chorioallantoic placentation in squamate reptiles: structure, function, development, and evolution. Journal of Experimental Zoology 266: 414-430.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.   1993d. Lactation: historical patterns and potential for manipulation. Journal of Dairy Science 76: 3195-3212. Abstract   PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  1992a. Convergent evolution of viviparity, matrotrophy, and specializations for fetal nutrition in reptiles and other vertebrates. American Zoologist 32: 313-321.  JStor Abstract Oxford abstract

Blackburn, D.G.  1992b.  Sperm storage in garter snakes. Bulletin of the British Herpetological Society 41: 21 (short communication).

Blackburn, D.G. and L.J. Vitt.  1992. Reproduction in viviparous South American lizards of the genus Mabuya. In: Reproductive Biology of South American Vertebrates: Aquatic and Terrestrial, pp. 150-164 (W. Hamlett, ed.). Springer-Verlag, New York.  Abstract

* Yekta, N. and D.G. Blackburn.  1992. Sexual dimorphism in mass and protein content of the forelimb muscles of the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70: 670-674. Abstract  Online paper

Blackburn, D.G.  1991. Evolutionary origins of the mammary gland. Mammal Review 21: 81-96.  Abstract

Vitt, L.J. and D.G. Blackburn.  1991. Ecology and life history of the viviparous lizard Mabuya bistriata (Scincidae) in the Brazilian Amazon. Copeia 1991: 916-927.  Abstract   PDF

Stewart, J.R., D.G. Blackburn, D.C. Baxter, and L.H. Hoffman.  1990.  Nutritional provision to the embryos in Thamnophis ordinoides (Squamata: Colubridae), a predominantly lecithotrophic placental reptile. Physiological Zoology 63: 722-734.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G., K.G. Osteen, W.P. Winfrey, and L.H. Hoffman.  1989.  Obplacental giant cells of the domestic rabbit: development, morphology, and immunolocalization of intermediate filaments. Journal of Morphology 202: 185-203.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G., V. Hayssen, and C.J. Murphy.  1989. The origins of lactation and the evolution of milk: a review with new hypotheses. Mammal Review 19: 1-26.  Abstract

Blackburn, D.G.   1988. Viviparity and testability. Science 241: 399 (refereed letter).  PDF

Blackburn, D.G., J.M. Taylor, and H.A. Padykula.  1988.  The trophoblast concept and its application to therian mammals. Journal of Morphology 196: 127-136.  Abstract

Stewart, J.R., and D.G. Blackburn.  1988. Reptile placentation: structural diversity and terminology. Copeia 1988: 839-852. Abstract   PDF

Blackburn, D.G. and H.E. Evans.  1986. Why are there no viviparous birds? American Naturalist 128: 165-190.  Paper at JStor   PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  1985. Evolutionary origins of viviparity in the Reptilia. II. Serpentes, Amphisbaenia, and Ichthyosauria. Amphibia – Reptilia 5: 259-291. Abstract  Online paper

Blackburn, D.G., H.E. Evans, and L.J. Vitt.  1985.  The evolution of fetal nutritional adaptations. In: Vertebrate Morphology(H.-R. Duncker and G. Fleischer, eds.). Fortschritte der Zoologie 30: 437-439. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart. Abstract    PDF

Hayssen, V. and D.G. Blackburn.  1985.   a-Lactalbumin and the origins of lactation. Evolution 39: 1147-1149.   JStor paper PDF

Blackburn, D.G., L.J. Vitt, and C.A. Beuchat.  1984.  Eutherian-like reproductive specializations in a viviparous reptile. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 81: 4860-4863.  Abstract    PDF

Blackburn, D.G.  1984.  From whale toes to snake eyes: comments on the reversibility of evolution. Systematic Zoology 33: 241-245.   PDF

Vitt, L.J. and D.G. Blackburn.  1983. Reproduction in the lizard Mabuya heathi (Scincidae): a commentary on viviparity in New World Mabuya. Canadian Journal of Zoology 61: 2798-2806. Abstract   Online paper

Blackburn, D.G.  1982. Evolutionary origins of viviparity in the Reptilia. I. Sauria. Amphibia – Reptilia 3: 185-205. Abstract   PDF    Online paper