Plain text indicates the location (see corresponding red arrow) of the animal(s) in image; bold text indicates the basis of the identification of the animal(s).
1 – On right margin of image, moving to right. [Single crow: partial view with black plumage of fleeting tail tip; crows present in surrounding images.]
2 – To left of pile, apparently moving to left. [Single crow: blurred view in flight (possibly carrying food item from pile). Diagnostic black plumage; crows present in surrounding images.]
3 – Lower left margin of image. [Single crow: partial view showing diagnostic black plumage; crows present in preceding images.]
4 – Pile foreground (one) and background (five). [Six crows: the challenge here is to account for all crows potentially hidden by foliage or obscured by conspecifics in background. Comparison with the images surrounding this focal image is helpful to detect movement of objects (crows) in background. Diagnostic black plumage.]
5 – On pile (one) and in flight (two). [Three crows: one partially obscured in pile material and two others blurred in flight. Diagnostic black plumage.]
6 – On pile (three) and background (five). [Eight crows: the challenge here is to account for all crows potentially hidden by foliage in background. Comparison with the images surrounding this focal image is helpful to detect movement of objects (crows) in background. Diagnostic black plumage.]