Senior Theses

This is where we showcase some of the best theses on urban issues completed by Urban Studies seniors and those in other departments and programs.

Ezra H. Moser ’10: “Re-Imagining Portland, Maine: Integrating a Refugee Community“; second-place winner for the Levy Urban Fund Senior Thesis Prize

Alexandera Stein ’11: “Mapping Residential Segregation in Baltimore City“; second-place winner for the Levy Urban Fund Senior Thesis Prize

Chang Liu ’12: “Shallow Urbanization in China: Causes, Impacts and Policy Implications“; first-place winner for the Levy Urban Fund Senior Thesis Prize

Will Kaplan ’13: “Neighborhood Organization, Community Policing, and Crime: The Power of Community in Hartford

Sarah Kacevich ’13: “Accessing Human Rights through Faith-based Social Justice and Cultural Citizenship: Hartford’s Low-income Latino Immigrants“; first-place winner for the Levy Urban Fund Senior Thesis Prize

Monica Roldan-Rodriguez ’13: “A Mismatched Dubai: A Glamorous Globalizing City vs. A Contentious Local Identity“; second-place winner for the Levy Urban Fund Senior Thesis Prize

Ananya Sahay ’13: “India’s Boom Towns: Socio-Economic Consequences of Information Technology-Led Development in Chennai and Bangalore – Analysis post 1991 Liberalization Reforms in India“; second-place winner for the Grossman Global Fund Senior Thesis Prize

Jacob Miller ’14: “Subprime Disaster Capitalism in New Haven”; second-place winner for the Levy Urban Fund Senior Thesis Prize