Inexpensive home Asterisk server

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I have a new Asterisk server at home. It is a Contec IPC-BX/M600(PCW). This is a wall-mount PC. It is about a foot square and about two inches thick. There is no power brick. The power cord plugs directly into the box. It has a 400MHz processor which should be fast enough for home or small-office use. It has only 64MBytes of RAM, so you need some swap, particularly when compiling Asterisk.

I bought this marvel new on E-Bay for about $55 including shipping. I added a laptop hard disk for storage.

Power consumption is reasonable, about 15 watts when idle.

Yet another VoIP blog

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There is already no shortage of IP telephony blogs. Many of them are valuable and interesting. Many of them are written from the standpoint of a observer watching the facinating new devices and services which appear on the market.

My blog will take a different direction. It will be written from the standpoint of a telephony hobbyist. It will be about my attempts to use Asterisk and surplus equipment to create a telephone system for my family and friends.

I hope to cover such topics as hacking Linksys ATA’s and creating a custom Asterisk dialplan from scratch.

IP telephony has been my hobby for two years now. For a year now it is also part of my work at a small college in New England. So, I may tell about our experience intergrating Asterisk with a Nortel Meridian phone switch.