Example 1: Plagiarize the original text by copying portions of it word-for-word.
A teacher who gets a particular ranking in year one is likely to get a different ranking the next year.
Example 2: Plagiarize the original text by paraphrasing its structure too closely, without copying it word-for-word.
For example if there is a teacher who gets a particular ranking in year one than they are likely to get a different ranking the next year.
Example 3: Plagiarize the original text by paraphrasing its structure too closely, and include a citation. Even though you cited it, paraphrasing too closely is still plagiarism.
For example if there is a teacher who gets a particular ranking in year one than they are likely to get a different ranking the next year (Ravitch 270-71).
Example 4: Properly paraphrase from the original text by restating the author’s ideas in different words and phrases, and include a citation to the original source.
Teachers are rated on a yearly basis so it is not common for a teacher to have the same ranking each year (Ravitch 270-71).
Example 5: Properly paraphrase from the original text by restating the author’s ideas in different words and phrases, add a direct quote, and include a citation to the original source.
The value-added scores fluctuate between years. Teachers are rated on a yearly basis so it is not common for a teacher to have the same ranking each year (Ravitch 270-71).
Based on the avoiding plagiarism assignment, you grasped the essential idea about properly paraphrasing in example 4. But you did not follow directions in example 5. It asked you to add a direct quote, but there are no quotation marks around the first sentence, which comes directly from the original source, and therefore is plagiarized.
Furthermore, you forgot to include a full reference to the original source at the bottom of your post.