Vy Duong ’26

Hello everyone, my name is Vy, and I’m from Vietnam. I’m a first-year here at Trinity College. I grew up around the stories and tales from my grandmothers and my parents, so I guess that’s what nurtured my passion for storytelling. Being a young adult now, I think that has translated into a lot of my hobbies: writing, photography, and definitely into this position I hold as a SoMA! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to talk, or have anything that you think will make everyone’s Trinity better. I’m excited to get to know everyone!

Favorite spot on campus:  ​McCook Student Lounge
Go to karaoke song: You Belong With Me
Favorite food: Banh Cuon (My favorite Viet dish)
If I was an animal I would be: A shepherd dog!
Let’s be social: @theo.vy is my personal Instagram and my photography account is @vymages.


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