Anderson*, K. E., D. G. Blackburn, and K. D. Dunlap (2011) Scanning electron microscopy of the placental interface in the viviparous lizard, Sceloporus jarrovi (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Journal of Morphology 272: 465-84.abstract Continue Reading
Blackburn, D.G., G.S.Gavelis*, K.E. Anderson*, A.R. Johnson* and K.D. Dunlap. (2010) Placental specializations of the mountain spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovi (Phrynosomatidae), Journal of Morphology.abstract Continue Reading
Dunlap, K. D. (2006) Ontogeny and scaling of hematocrit and blood viscosity in western fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentals. Copeia 2006 (3): 535-538.Hematocrit, the volume fraction of blood composed of erythrocytes, influences the oxygen transport capacity of blood by affecting both the oxygen content and viscosity of the blood Continue Reading
Wingfield, J., K. Hunt, C. Breuner, K.D. Dunlap, G. Fowler, L. Freed, and J. Lepson (1996) Environmental stress, field endocrinology and conservation biology. In: Behavioral approaches to conservation biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and B. Sanchiz (1996) Temporal dissociation between the development of the cranial and appendicular skeleton in an anuran, Bufo bufo. Journal of Herpetology 30: 506 – 513 Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and D.R. Church (1996) Interleukin-1 reduces activity level in fence lizards. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 10: 68 – 73.abstract Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. (1995) Hormonal and behavioral responses to food deprivation in a lizard: Implications for assessing stress in a natural population. Journal of Herpetology 29: 345 – 351. Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. (1995) External and internal influences on indices of physiological stress.II. Seasonal and size-related variation in blood composition of free-living lizards during drought. Journal of Experimental Zoology 272: 85 – 94.abstract Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and J.C. Wingfield (1995) External and internal influences on indices of physiological stress. I. Seasonal and population variation adrenocortical secretion in free- living lizards. Journal of Experimental Zoology 271: 36 – 46.abstract Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and J.J. Schall (1995) Hormonal alterations and reproductive inhibition in lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis infected with the malarial parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum. Physiological Zoology. 68: 608 – 621. Continue Reading
Sinervo, B. and K.D. Dunlap (1994) Thyroxine affects behavioral thermoregulation but not growth rate in hatchling fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis. Journal of Comparative Physiology B: 164: 509 – 517. Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and T. Mathies (1993) The effects of nymphal ticks and their interaction with malaria on the physiology of male western fence lizards. Copeia. 1993: 1041 – 45. Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and J.W. Lang (1990) Offspring sex ratio varies with maternal size in the common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis. Copeia. 1990: 588 – 591. Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and R. Sridaran (1989) Administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone to pregnant rats inhibits post-partum sexual behavior. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 31: 725 – 728.abstract Continue Reading
Dunlap, K.D. and R. Sridaran (1988) Plasma levels of dihydrotestosterone during the estrus cycle in the rat: Implications for the regulation of lorosis behavior. Physiology and Behavior.42: 199-202.abstract Continue Reading