
Opportunities in Neuroscience

I have been reading through Trinity’s promotion of its connection with Hartford Hospital and the exposure that students will have, especially in the neurosciences [fall 2017]. I am impressed by that development. As a psychologist and one who late in life developed peripheral neuropathy, I know that the needs for knowledgeable specialists are great.

Thanks for the coverage.

Lawrence Metzger, Ph.D., ’55
Santa Rosa, California

Comic Book KAPOW!

It was fun to read the Reporter article about the comic books donated to the Watkinson Library [winter 2018]. In my day at Trinity, I think comics in a college library would have been frowned upon. Happy to see this medium come into the mainstream … and into the realm of acceptance at schools like my alma mater.

If the collection includes Wonder Woman #1 or #2 from 1987, I would be happy to sign them for the library. As you know from previous communications, I authored those books.

Greg Potter ’76
Exeter, Rhode Island

Magazine coverThoughts on New Design

Your new issue arrived [winter 2018]. This is the best, most magnificent issue I have ever had the joy and privilege to have seen! Some of the photographs of people featured in the articles are superb and evoke an emotional response from the viewer that is especially touching and so human. [The issue contains] the best graphics and layout I have seen in years. Thank you so much for this beautiful work.

William N. Tedesco M’69
Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts


The new design of The Reporter is first-rate—like it was a few years back—contemporary and smart. Perhaps I am oversensitive to this since I designed so many publications when I was in the advertising/design business in New York, but the better schools have smarter magazines. I think it is a reflection of the college and possibly an influencer of alumni giving and relations. Is it a small thing? Maybe not.

Bruce N. Macdonald ’56
Lexington, Virginia


For your cover picture of Coach Hitchcock, why so glum? She has the greatest job in the world—she is coaching at Trinity! In an issue which includes a Sandy Hook mother, we have alumni/ae dealing with serious issues. We should try to show joy where joy is due.

Robert S. Herbst ’80
Larchmont, New York

TTR responds: Thank you for your perspective on the cover photo of Trinity Head Softball Coach Caitlin Hitchcock. While you see her as glum, we wanted to show her as focused, determined, and strong, the empowering role model for female student-athletes that she is. As Coach Hitchcock says in the story, “It’s not just about putting wins on the board. It’s also about helping student-athletes find their place in the world.”

Thank You!

Alumni responded in huge numbers and with great thoughtfulness to the survey distributed by the college in January. The survey had an overall response rate of more than 14 percent (more than 2,500 responses)—an incredibly high response rate, well beyond the expectations of Resonance Insights, the college’s partner in conducting the research. As this issue went to press, the information was being analyzed; we look forward to sharing the results of this important survey in a future issue of The Reporter.

We Want to Hear From You!

The Trinity Reporter welcomes letters related to items published in recent issues. Please send remarks to the editor at sonya.adams@trincoll.edu or Sonya Adams, Office of Communications, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.