Once you know the club you want to start doesn’t exist already, the next step is to meet with SLE. TBD, SLE’s Assistant Director, is the man to meet with to start a new club. During the meeting, you’ll discuss the basic aspects of the club: its purpose, how much interest there is, what funding will may be needed, whether the organization has ever existed at Trinity, and whether it may fall under the umbrella of another organization already established here. When you leave that meeting, you’ll take with you a Registration Packet that has a few forms to fill out.

Now, during your meeting with SLE, they may mention somebody else that you need to meet with, depending on the category your club falls into. If it would fall under the scope of another office on campus, you’ll need somebody from that office to sign off on your registration packet. At the very least, they’re good people to get to know as you’re leading your club. Here’s a list: