Spring 2018 Community Learning Courses

Still looking to add classes to your schedule this Spring? Consider one of these community learning courses, which connect your academic work with people and projects in Hartford. You can find community learning courses under “Comm Learning Program” in Trinity’s Course Schedule.

Courses Open to All Students:

ENVS 149: Intro to Environmental Science, Professor Krista Ehlert on TR 10:50am-12:05pm  (GLB3)
Lab required, Professor Jonathan Gourley on T or R 1:30-4:10pm

EDUC 200: Analyzing Schools, Professor Stefanie Wong on TR 9:25-10:40am (SOC)

RHET 225: Rhetoric of Broad Street, Professor Nick Marino on TR 1:30-2:45pm (WEA2)

PHIL 244: The Music of Thought, Professor Dan Lloyd on TR 2:45-4pm (HUM)

THDN 270: Arts in Action: Community, Professor Jennifer Roberts on TR 4:30-5:45pm (ART)

HRST 373: Human Rights through Performance, Professor Joseph Lea on W 1:15-3:55pm (ART)

Courses with Prerequisites:

MUSC 111: Samba Ensemble, Professor Eric Galm on M 6-7:15 pm and W 6-8pm (GLB1)
Requires permission of instructor (email eric.galm@trincoll.edu and attend first class)

HISP 260: Hispanic Hartford, Professor Aidali Aponte-Aviles on TR 2:55-4:10pm (GLB2)
Requires HISP 221 or 224 or permission of instructor

URST 301: Community Development Strategies, Professor Emily Cummins on W 6:30-9:15pm
Requires URST 101 or permission of instructor

EDUC 309: Race, Class, and Education Policy, Professor Stefanie Wong on TR 10:50am-12:05pm(SOC)
Requires EDUC 200 or permission of instructor

CHEM 312: Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, Professor Michelle Kovarik on MWF 10-10:50 am (NAT)
Requires CHEM 311L; Lab required on T 1:30-4:10pm

PBPL 364: Law and Poverty, Professor Rochelle Outlaw on TR 2:55-4:10pm (SOC)
Requires PBPL 201, PBPL 202, POLS 102, or permission of instructor

ECON 431: Social Mobility and Immigrant Experience, Professor Carol Clark on M 1:15-3:55pm (WEB)
Senior Economics majors only

By Application Only:

LAAL 200: Action Research Methods Hartford, Professor Megan Brown on M 1:15-3:55pm (NUM)
Application required by Oct. 31, but will be offered each semester. Learn more here

HFPR 201: Topics in Health Care, Professor Maryann McGuire on R 1:30-3:55pm (GLB)
Requires admission to Health Fellows

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