Update for community partners

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Dear community partners,

Thank you for hosting a Trinity intern from our Data Visualization seminar this semester. My students are just beginning to learn how to design and create interactive charts and maps that fit your organization’s needs, and I’m delighted that you’re participating in this learning experience.

At the link below, you can read more about our seminar and the other community partners. Guests are welcome to sit-in on any of our Monday 12-1pm sessions (I bring a light lunch meal to share), or to follow our work online at: http://commons.trincoll.edu/dataviz/

Currently, Trinity interns are prioritizing their partner’s data visualization needs and sources, and writing up a public post about the early stages of their projects. Also, I’ve instructed our interns to discuss our public-private policy with you. We design our work for the open web, but we also understand cases where individual-level data must be confidential or works-in-progress must be hidden from public view until approved by the organization. Read more at: http://commons.trincoll.edu/dataviz/public-private/

While you’re welcome to contact me at any time with questions, I’ll be sending you a mid-semester online intern evaluation on March 10th, and a final one in late April. Finally, I hope that you can attend ONE of our public presentations: Mon April 21st at 12 noon OR Wed Apr 23rd at 5:30pm, with details on our site.


Jack Dougherty, Trinity College