Assignment 2b

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For my Ed 399 Data Visualization Work, I will be teaming up with Professors Jack Dougherty, and Rachel Levanthal-Weiner. I will be working on numerous tasks with them, to help them with projects that they are either working on personally, or that will be presented in their curriculum.
These projects include charts that will be utilized in some of their educational studies classes, and a bike map that gives an in-depth view of cycling routes in the area of Hartford. Many of these assignments will require that I analyze data intelligently and insightfully. I will be looking at various spreadsheets, and will have to decipher what is meaningful and relevant, and what is not. Although I am pretty unfamiliar with both html code, and data visualization software, I find both to be very interesting. Most projects I will be working on will involve representing data in either graphs or maps. Below is a great example of how a map can be used to express data. Although it only shows various types of schools in the Hartford area in this instance, I look forward to creating more meaningful and in-depth maps in the future.

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