Assignment 2b: Description of Park Watershed Organization

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This semester I will be partnering up with The Park River Watershed in Hartford, Connecticut. Mary Pelletier who runs the non-profit organization describes this program as a “start up” willing to explore many and any environmental issues related to the watershed. Their goals include involving the greater community to participate in a growing a network that includes teachers, artists students, etc. They want many of the citizens to be involved with their initiatives as it involves a whole community to create a positive resource for all.

I have not yet decided what specific data I would like to use for this project as Mary and I are still working out logistics as to what is more important to show and produce for the public. We would like to use data that the general public. Right now, I just placed sample data into my Batch Geo. Hopefully, when I get real data my map will look a bit more interesting and interactive.

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