Exercise 2B

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For my Data Visualization internship I am working with Erin Kemple from Connecticut Fair Housing. This center is a statewide nonprofit organization focused on identifying impediments to fair housing in order to eliminate such barriers and advocate for change. Connecticut Fair Housing tries to find the forces at work in the market that are preventing people from getting housing. This includes whether or not various groups of people are treated differently as well as what are the differential affects of certain policies that are not necessarily discriminatory practices but result in unfair housing opportunities.

Through talking with Erin Kemple, I found out that the main Data Visualization goal is to create charts and maps to put on the web that display such impediments to fair housing so that policy makers as well as the general public become aware of such forces. An important aspect that Erin Kemple is interested in is mapping data points for zoning and racial makeup. Along we that she believes it will be very helpful to create interactive maps with filters to display various data and how-to tutorials so that website viewers have the opportunity to plug in whatever information they are interested in.