Assignment 4/5- Google Fusion Table

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For my assignment I used a polygon map of West Hartford, because that is the only area that my partner organization focuses on. There is no data from my organization that I can use yet, as I am currently compiling possibly a useful list of locations in West Hartford such as pediatrics, early dental care units etc, so for now I used Jack’s data of early care providers. This illustrates perfectly what I believe my organization wants with the right information and data. The final product to show a layer of different organizations that are beneficial for early childhood care in West Hartford.

This was my first attempt at layer wizard so there is a lot that needs to be worked on, such as maybe putting the point layer over the polygon data and then changing the colors of the points etc. I believe this is a great first step and once I meet with my partner again I think I will have a clearer understanding of where they want to go from here.