MoveUP! Lying with Maps

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This first visualization is a gradient polygon map of the poverty status for individuals 18-64 years of age within the various census tracts of Hartford County. The goal here was to make each tract look very similar data-wise, which is why each tract is a very similar shade green. The map is showing that throughout the county, and within each tract, there aren’t many individuals living in poverty. It does show, though, where the higher concentration of poverty is, so it doesn’t hide it.


The second visualization is a two-bucket polygon map of the poverty status for individuals 18-64 years of age within the various census tracts of Hartford County. My goal was to show an extreme difference in data in this particular visualization, which is why I used the two-bucket technique. I found a number boundary that accentuated how many individuals were in poverty and where they were primarily located.

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