Assignment 8: How to Lie With Maps

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The two maps below both display the percentage of college graduation in Connecticut, in which data is provided by Social Explorer. By using different colours and break intervals, these two maps provide two completely different portrayals of a same dataset.

In the first map, I use different shades of green to show the college graduation rate across Connecticut. Since there is no dramatic change in variation,  the similarity among various census tract polygons are highlighted. Moreover, by breaking the data into 9 buckets, I intentionally vary the length of each interval to manipulate the number of census tracts in each group. The top 2 and bottom 2 groups have the less data sample, while 5 middle buckets have the most data sample. Even though the legend shows wide range of rates, my dataset is mostly concentrated in the middle group. Therefore, it seems like the percentages of people who graduated from college are quite similar among all the census tracts in Connecticut.

Using the same data but with different choice of colours and intervals, I display my second map as a highly unequal distribution of college graduation rate. The data is divided into only two buckets, which are assigned with two highly contrast colours: extremely dark and light green. As illustrated on the map, it seems like more people graduated from college in Northern and South West of Connecticut.

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