A8: Lying with Maps

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The first Google Fusion table here shows three different SmartChoices types of schools in Connecticut. To learn more about the description of SmartChoices schools, please click here. SmartChoices includes public schools in the city of Hartford as well as 19 other suburban towns. It is important to note that it does not include other types of schools, such as private.

Below I have divided my schools into three different SmartChoices: 1=interdistrict, 2=district, and 3=more PreK centers. By combining the data with the city KML layer, the polygon map shows the most prevalent types of schools in each city area with a shade of blue.

The second map I formed with the same data and boundary lines. However, the map shows points of the three types of schools present, instead of polygon layers. It is interesting to view these maps together because by looking at the one below, it is clear that especially within the Hartford city area, one may get easily confused by the amounts of dots present. They can overwhelm an audience unfamiliar with this type of data. The map above only shows one color per city and identifies that city with a type color. One may think that that particular city only contains mainly those types of schools. However, the other types are available as well.

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