Comparing Three Mapping Tools

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Google Fusion



Overall, I thought that Mapme was the most detailed Point Map system to use. It gives you the option to manually add each ‘pin’ or import a spreadsheet and automatically track it. It also gives the user much more control over the information that is shown on each pin. Pins can be customized by color and logo, while photos, and websites can be added to the description.

On the other hand, BatchGeo was the least customizable interface to use. There is no way to change the starting map location, nor the pin color or size. However it was the fastest and easiest map system to use. All the user has to do is copy and paste their spreadsheet to a text box on BatchGeo’s website, and BatchGeo does the rest of the mapping.

Google Fusion Tables is somewhere in between. Excel and Google Sheets can be imported and edited in Fusion Tables, the pin size and color can be customized, and the starting map location can also be set. Fusion Tables is not as fast as BatchGeo, nor as customizable as Mapme, but it does have a hybrid advantages from each interface. It also does offer a ‘heat map’ where a user can show the distance between different restaurant locations. This could be used in my project to show food deserts in between grocery stores in Hartford.

Published by

Mike Walsh

Trinity College Freshman, Western Mass Native.

One thought on “Comparing Three Mapping Tools”

  1. Mike, your comparison of the three tools is strong, and Veronica and I were also impressed that you figured out how to color code the points inside a Google Fusion Table by inserting an icon code column.

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