Binh’s demo-in-progress

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Do minorities have a higher bond? (1998-2014)

Arrest rate per capita (1998-2014)

For this project, my partner would like to create various data visualization based on the bond data in Connecticut. He wants to see how race plays a factor or how many bonds are there for each town in Connecticut. There are many different data visualization you can create with many different variable.

*Updated both leaflet and chart

Steps I’ve completed:
Using a pivot table to arrange my data
Using a leaflet as a data visualization
Using a highChart as a data visualization
Added markers
Adjusted arrest rate per capita

Steps to be done:
Use different ranges of color based on the density
Create more Visualizations with different templates
Manipulate other variables
In progress of making a linkchart

4 thoughts on “Binh’s demo-in-progress”

  1. I thought your chart containing a breakdown of race and bond count was very well organized and the hoover gave me the ability to interpret the data quickly and easily. I think it would be interesting to see the total bond count of all races it would just add more easily accessible data for the viewer. I think it would also help the viewer if the key was next to the bar graph instead of above it. It would allow the viewer to quickly distinguish which color went with what race.
    For the leaflet map my first reaction was that the map automatically zoomed into CT in a way where I was not able to see the entire map at once. I think having it a bit more zoomed out would create a better look for the map. I also was wondering it was possible to get rid of all of the excess background around CT or if that is as cleaned up as the leaflet template will allow. I think that adding a some what of a description of what the numbers are representing to the key on the map would also help the viewer understand right away what kind of data they are looking at. I also think it would be helpful if the first thing on the pop up window was the town because I couldn’t quickly find out which town I am looking at because the first thing I read was “total crime cases” I think seeing the town would be the more usefully first info to see. Overall the design and color of your map is really nice and I think that the orange is a good color to distinguish the differences in the towns with.

  2. These two graphs are both very good-looking and clear. One thing that I am thinking about regarding bonds and races is to map density of every race in each town, and compare this map to the bond density, to see if there is any correlation.
    Also I think for the bar chart, it might be more helpful if you graph the ratio of bond/race population in the chart instead of bond count. That will tell a more compelling story about race and bond.
    In addition, 1999-2014 is a really long time range, if the data is specific enough, I think it will be good to consider breaking down to some shorter periods to see if there is any chronological change in the crime data.
    There is a small flaw in the leaflet map that some crime data in some town showed up as null(such at Thompson and Hampton). Some towns with the “null” data have really dark colors, so I assume there are numbers associated with them but somehow they didn’t show up correctly?

  3. I think you have done a good job organizing your data and creating data visualization in the high chart and leaflet map. The chart illustrates the data well. For the map, through your description, I see that you are going to change the color ranges according to your partner’s priority. However, for now, the map efficiently creates a sense of difference in density through the color range and the color choice.
    Nevertheless, there are things that need to be improved. First, for the high chart, the number in the Black column is not very easy to read. Furthermore, since the number in the Black and White columns are much higher than the rest, I think it would be nice to try creating a pie chart for this type of data. Secondly, the information window of the leaflet map is not very easy to keep track of, since all words have the same grey color in one line. I suggest that you split that into three lines and make one line, such as one with the name of the town, bold. If possible, the wording in the information box should be more concise so the users can quickly get the information they need when hovering the mouse over the towns.

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