My Demo of the project

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Link to the demonstration:
Map tour demo

I have already embedded my story map into my partner’s website. There are only 3 pinpoints on the map now, and we wish to have 30 pinpoints for our final project. Each pinpoint will consist of introductory paragraph, quotes, and pictures. Some pinpoint will also show artifacts and 3D models. The final project will be a live story of Mr.McCook’s around-the-world journey. We wish the story map to be easily editable, and we will also produce a text-and-picture only paper form interpretation of the tour for further use and updates.

Steps I have completed:
0. All the scanning of McCook’s journal and sorting of files.
1. Create a storymap, and add contents to it.
2. Figure out how to embed 3D models without killing the application.
3. Write several intros to the pinpoints.
4. Figure out how to export data through the story map(which was once thought as impossible).
5. Create the website and embed my map to it.
6. Update the original data document corresponding to the map.

Steps yet to be done:
1. Finish all the readings of the journal and write intro to all of them(estimated time of completion: next week)
2. Add all contents to the storymap demo version(estimated time of completion: mid-April)
3. Figure out how to edit the style of the pointers on the map, b/c now the pointers are hardly visible(this can only be done through github code editing, so that I will have to have host server for the website, which make this seemingly-simple mission extremely hard. I will try to do that after I finished the demo version).
4. Follow-up with my partner frequently to update the data I have(Some necessary pictures still need to be added)
5. Introduce my partner to the ArcGis tool, and let her know how to update in the future.
6. Present the work before final.

2 thoughts on “My Demo of the project”

  1. I think you have done a great job gathering and organizing the stories and geographic data for the project. The map works very smoothly. With the current lay-out, I find it convenient to observe the map and photos while reading the facts and stories behind them.
    However, there are still things that need improvement. First, which is what you have already mentioned, the style for the pointers now should be changed to be more visible. Secondly, if possible, it would be nice if you can use all of the available space on the website for your project. Right now the margins on the website are pretty wide, especially when the story column needs more space. I think that the color for the title “A Story Map” or the captions for some photos are a little too light. Maybe you could try making them darker so the users can notice them more easily. Another small thing is that the source link in the first paragraph is too lengthy. You could try putting that link into a phrase so that the story column looks neater.

  2. This map visualization is quite unique and interesting! I love how easy it is to navigate. My only issue with it is that the maps are inconsistent; they are in map view, satellite view, or 3D model view. Is this a reason for this? Would it be possible to either choose one view, or give the user the option to switch between different views? Also, I find the irrelevant labels on buildings in the map to be a little distracting, such as the ones for the XL Center and Bushnell Park. Could those easily be removed, or are they for orientation?
    I look forward to seeing the map when all of the destinations are included!

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