Lunch Locations using different mapping tools

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Google Fusion Table 

When using Mapme I found it very easy to edit my data and change around the look of the map but it became very tedious to impute each data separately. With the large data sets I will be using this mapping tool will not be the most usefully. I did find this tool to be very user friendly and helpful with the message board on the side to help you trouble shoot any problems you had. I would use this mapping tool for smaller data sets but overall I do not think this will be my first choice for mapping my girl scouts data.

BatchGeo was very useful for imputing large amount of data quickly. I also found this the easiest to embed on to this web site. I did find it hard to add other information to the data points. I did like that the data points would display all data presented but I wanted a way to filter out the information so it would only show what I wanted. This tool is a very user friendly tool and easy to learn which was helpful for this assignment.

Google fusion tables was the most advanced of all the tools I tried. It was not hard to figure out because of the example in class but I think I would have found it harder if we had not had that knowledge. I liked this tool a lot because it had so many options in changing how the data looked on the map. Also the fact that you can import your data straight form google docs was very easy and useful. I did have a lot of issues with embedding the map onto my post. I kept getting a video instead of my map and I am still trying to edit the embed link so it will show my map. I think that out of all the tools I would most likely use Google fusion tables because of the may options.