Assignment 8-KNOX demo

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link to map demo:

My partner is expected to see an interactive map with two layers. On the first layer, it shows the all the community gardens with detailed profile information. The profile includes the address, the number of plots, photos of the garden, spot availability of the garden during the year and greenhouse availability(3). The second layer shows the Hartford neighborhood border, which divides gardens into different regions and also gives audience an easier way to visualize where their closet gardens are. Adding on to this border map, there is also a search tool, like the one in Google map, for audience to search by address. Audience can simply type in their own address in the toolbox. The map will then lead the audience into the closet garden according to the location. Moreover, there is another filter tool on the side of the map. The tool filters out by the information listed in the garden profile, such as the greenhouse and garden plot availability.

Steps completed:
Make point map
Make polygon map
Merge two maps into layer map
Create filter tool
Collect photos

Steps to be done:
Make photos appear in the profile–demo:
Collect more photos
Fix filter tool
Edit code in github

2 thoughts on “Assignment 8-KNOX demo”

  1. I like the look and layout of your map it is aesthetically pleasing and easy to maneuver over the different tools. One thing I noticed is that when clicking on both the polygon and the point the information windows overlap. If you added the neighborhood name in the information window of the point as well it would allow the viewer to see this info without opening multiple windows. I also thought that when adding in the plot availability data you could distinguish between gardens with more and less availability by making the dots different colors depending on how much space there is. I was also curious what your plan was for adding the pictures into the map. Would the pictures be part of the info window or would there be a sidebar containing the photos? Over all I really like what you have so far!

  2. I love that the map only shows what is necessary. I also really appreciate that the background of the map (streets, street names, etc.) is washed out just enough so that it doesn’t distract from the community garden points. In the completed map, will there be links within each point to the garden webpage?
    I’m wondering how feasible it is to have the plot availability in the map, as I’m sure that the number of plots changes quite often. Is the community partner willing to keep it constantly updated? If not, maybe it would be best to include the total number of plots instead. Will community gardens that are not Knox Parks be included, such as the one at Trinfo.Café? All in all, it is a great map, and I am sure that once it is put into the template and into context it will be fantastic. Looking forward to seeing it!

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