Assignment 4

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The polygon map above shows Connecticut Unified School Districts organized by median household income. The visualization is interactive as clicking on one of the separated locations allows the user to see the name of the district, the percent of 8th graders who passed the Connecticut Mastery Test on average, and the exact median household income. This graph would be very useful for both of my Data Visualization partners as it shows the relationship between geography and household income in this specified area of Connecticut, and since my first data visualization establishes a correlation between median household income and test scores, this can be used as a point of comparison as well. For this specific project, I believe all my desired features were available. My first visualization is below.

One thought on “Assignment 4”

  1. Your visualizations are great in the sense that they are very clear and easy to comprehend. It is amazing how you can see clearly from the scatter chart a linear relationship between the median household income and the average percentage of 8th grade students at or above the state CMT test goal. However, I do have a few suggestions regarding your visualizations that you may want to consider:

    1. I was a little confused when I first looked at the color scale of your map. Since I would normally expect lighter colors to present lower values, and darker colors to present higher values, it took me a while to realize that your scale was the reverse. I guess you want to emphasize on your map that Hartford has the lowest median household income, but at first glance it gives the opposite impression. Also, I see that on your map, the data for the New Britain School District is missing. Since I think that is what many others also wonder when looking at your map, maybe your map will look more complete if you are able to obtain the data for that school district and add it to the map.

    2. Because he scatter chart that you made shows such a clear relationship between the median household income and the average percentage of 8th grade students meeting the state CMT test goal, I think it might a good idea if you can figure out a way to show that relationship on the map. Maybe you can make a layered map, with the polygons of different shades presenting median household income, and points of different sizes presenting the percentage of 8th graders who passed the CMT. It is probably helpful for viewers if they are able to visualize part of the trend just by looking at the map.

    This is an example of how your map might look like:

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