Assignment 6: Updates on A5 Schools in Park Watershed

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This week I wanted to be able to combine the point layer of only the school points in the watershed, with the Park River Watershed outline, as well as boundaries of the municipalities. However, this task proved to be more difficult than I thought as I had some difficulties with Google Drive and Google Wizard Fusion. There wasn’t a problem so much with the codes of my data. But there were some issues with the tools and applications I used, which were not cooperating very well. Below is the map of the my school points and the watershed boundary. The schools each have a type:

1 = interdistrict

2 = district

3 = more PreK centers

I would like to create a choropleth interactive map that shows the three different types of schools in the watershed. There are no private schools included. It would be very beneficial for schools to have the information available to them, in order for science programs and environmental clubs to seek out a student networks.

*March 10th update from Jack: As Shaina reported, she is having difficulty with web hosting on Google Drive. Her interactive map below is only visible to me on Safari, so I have inserted a static image. The best way to fix this may be to shift to web hosting on GitHub.*

static version
static version


One thought on “Assignment 6: Updates on A5 Schools in Park Watershed”

  1. Hey Shaina! So unfortunately I am unable to see your post, or your previous post so I can’t really comment on your map. I will try to email Jack to see what I can do about this. In the meantime I think I understand what you are doing and I think it is great. For maps, make sure you have a legend that explains everything, as sometimes maps are confusing when there is no information for the user. Hopefully, I can see your map later so I can comment more on it.

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