Update Assignment 6b

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From last week, I have compiled and organized my data so that I was able to create visualizations. So far I have managed to incorporate, age and ethnicity. From these graphs we can see that the majority of injuries occur for males up until they are around age 5-9, however, females are more likely to get injured after 10 years old.

*March 10th update from Jack: Ray is having difficulty with web hosting on Google Drive, as I can only view some of his iframes below in Safari. So I have pasted a static image of two of his interactive charts: a bar chart and a time-motion chart. Looks like hosting on GitHub pages will be a better solution.*

static image
static image

In this graph I compiled a list of patients based on their ethnicity. From the data, whites and males make up most of the injury patients.

Here I created a time series graph that shows the number of patients each year by ethnicity.

I will also be making maps. Although this is a incomplete map, it is a sample that of what I will make when I get the data. For each city, I will include the total population as well as the number of patients in that area from 2007-2012.

3 thoughts on “Update Assignment 6b”

  1. Hi Ray- The fact that you are able to utilize all these different types of interactive data visualizations to illustrate your data is great! I’m not sure whether the two bar graphs are suppose to be showing different data, however they seem to be duplicates. I think the pie charts are very informative and a great way to demonstrate that data and the use of color is very appealing to the viewer. One critique I do have is to maybe add a little more explanation with your graphs to ensure that the viewer completely understands what you are showing with your visualization and why the information is important. Great job!

  2. Ray, you have really great bar and circle graphs. I think they are a great addition to the interactive data visualizations we have been discussing in the past few weeks. It is really nice to see different perspectives of what you want to present to the public and your organization. I was wondering what injuries you mean when you write about them in your posts. Maybe these types of injuries affect certain age groups or gender differently. You could talk about that later on if it does. Also, I know things are still rough drafts, but you could add more descriptions to your many data visualizations as that would help the viewers understand how to read the graphs. Otherwise, I think your interactive graphs are really nice!

  3. Ray,
    Overall, great visualizations! I especially like the scatter chart that changes over time. It seems very useful for comparative data. With the bar graphs, although putting a cursor over each one shows what either color represents, would it be possible to just have a legend always showing to make it more clear? I think this could be beneficial. Also, in the last polygon map, I know it’s incomplete, but it might improve it if you were to categorize the shades differently. Currently it seems like the amount of brown is pretty disproportionate.


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