Assignment 5 (IPC Update)

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From last week, I have compiled and organized my data so that I was able to create visualizations. So far I have managed to incorporate, age and ethnicity. From these graphs we can see that the majority of injuries occur for males up until they are around age 5-9, however, females are more likely to get injured after 10 years old.

In this graph I compiled a list of patients based on their ethnicity. From the data, whites and males make up most of the injury patients.

Here I created a time series graph that shows the number of patients each year by ethnicity.

I will also be making maps. Although this is a incomplete map, it is a sample that of what I will make when I get the data. For each city, I will include the total population as well as the number of patients in that area from 2007-2012.

Assignment 4/5- Google Fusion Table

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For my assignment I used a polygon map of West Hartford, because that is the only area that my partner organization focuses on. There is no data from my organization that I can use yet, as I am currently compiling possibly a useful list of locations in West Hartford such as pediatrics, early dental care units etc, so for now I used Jack’s data of early care providers. This illustrates perfectly what I believe my organization wants with the right information and data. The final product to show a layer of different organizations that are beneficial for early childhood care in West Hartford.

This was my first attempt at layer wizard so there is a lot that needs to be worked on, such as maybe putting the point layer over the polygon data and then changing the colors of the points etc. I believe this is a great first step and once I meet with my partner again I think I will have a clearer understanding of where they want to go from here.

Assignment 4

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The polygon map above shows Connecticut Unified School Districts organized by median household income. The visualization is interactive as clicking on one of the separated locations allows the user to see the name of the district, the percent of 8th graders who passed the Connecticut Mastery Test on average, and the exact median household income. This graph would be very useful for both of my Data Visualization partners as it shows the relationship between geography and household income in this specified area of Connecticut, and since my first data visualization establishes a correlation between median household income and test scores, this can be used as a point of comparison as well. For this specific project, I believe all my desired features were available. My first visualization is below.