Assignment 8

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The two data visualizations below present the same date in very different ways. Both aim to give a geographical visualization of individuals over the age of 25 in given Connecticut Counties who reported never graduated High School. The first shows a more narrow spectrum of the data by only separating the various percentages of those not graduating high school into two different categories, while the second visualization shows three different categories in color all of which are similar. The first would suggest these counties are very different and divided, while the second would suggest they are very alike. One has to be a lie, so this would suggest that we’ve accomplished our goal in lying with maps.

Update to Alternative Schools Map- Assignment #6

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I have updated my data visualization of alternative schools to include a search bar.  This will allow people who are interested in finding an alternative school be able to view a specific school’s information by simply selecting their name.

The next step I would like to take with this visualization is to create an option search bar where someone can select the different qualities they would like in an alternative school and then the data visualization would isolate the schools that met the request.  The way I imagine it is almost like having boxes to check that would filter the schools that appear on the map.  I feel that this will be helpful, because if someone is looking for a school for a middle school aged child, it would be easier if they didn’t have to sift through the high schools.

You can view my data visualization at this link:

Ben Peterson Progress Memo

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Dear Jack and Ms. Levanthal-Weiner,

Thus far, I believe I have made a tremendous amount of progress in attaining the necessary skills to become a skilled Data Visualizer. I have currently produced 3 relevant and unique Data Visualizations, and seeing as I’m now more acquainted with the various dataviz tools, I feel I will be able to produce them far more productively in these final 6 weeks. I hope to create visualizations that will be usable in educational studies classes, and am currently working on one showing the long term achievement gap with NAEP data.

Below are my 3 visualizations:

Assignment 7

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This week Mary and I met to review the Schools in the Park Watershed excel sheet. From there we added columns with color and text ID. This shows the types of schools are which. We created categories that are relevant to nature or watershed research. In Google Fusion tables we were then able to change the point markers and colors to show differences among the schools of the area.

Next step will be to add the polygon layer of the watershed as well as the municipal boundary lines. There needs to be a little clean up done on the pop up boxes (URL links, taking out unnecessary data, etc.). I would like to add a legend as well to distinguish what each color means. Are the colors and markers seen in Google Fusion the only ones we can use? Are there any other ways to change the styles of these markers? Need an explanation on how the map works for the general public.

We were also wondering if there was an excel sheet of the private schools. Mary knows of some popular Environmental programs/schools that are private that would be nice to filter on the map as well.

We would like to integrate this map and its framework into the Park River Watershed website.