Progress from Injury Prevention Center

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Intimate Partner Violence Arrests in Connecticut 2010

Intimate Partner Violence Arrests in Connecticut 2011

Intimate Partner Violence Arrests in Connecticut 2012

Intimate Partner Violence Arrests in Connecticut 2013

Intimate Partner Violence Arrests in Connecticut 2014

Intimate Partner Violence Arrests in the Greater Hartford Area for 2010-2014

Injury Prevention Center Vision: To have a shaded polygon map of Connecticut from 2010-2014 that contains the rate of arrests, children involved, and the average rates of arrest per year. On the map, the towns should be labeled and be able to hover over the towns for the information. In addition, there would be a table containing the same information as well as a bar/line graph.

Round Talk Vision on April 12th: Since this is the first priority, the vision is to clip the greater Hartford area to represent the interval shelter homes for victims of intimate partner violence. With this, there will be a shaded polygon map with town labels, the rate of arrests without the involvement of children for 2010-2014. Since this will be used in Garry’s Power Point, he would like the map to be a screenshot.

Steps Completed for Data Visual Vision:
Shaded polygon maps completed for all five years.

Steps to be done for Data Visual Vision:
Compile the five years of data into one polygon map, recalculate the data to factor in child involvement, use another tool to label the towns, create the table and bar/line graph.

Steps Completed for Round Talk:
Clipped the greater Hartford from and exported it to Google Fusion. And is in the progress of compiling/cleaning data.

Steps to be done for Round Talk:
Compile/clean arrest data to import into Google Fusion, label the town names, color code polygon and have this ready for Garry before April 12th for revisions.

My Demo of the project

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Link to the demonstration:
Map tour demo

I have already embedded my story map into my partner’s website. There are only 3 pinpoints on the map now, and we wish to have 30 pinpoints for our final project. Each pinpoint will consist of introductory paragraph, quotes, and pictures. Some pinpoint will also show artifacts and 3D models. The final project will be a live story of Mr.McCook’s around-the-world journey. We wish the story map to be easily editable, and we will also produce a text-and-picture only paper form interpretation of the tour for further use and updates.

Steps I have completed:
0. All the scanning of McCook’s journal and sorting of files.
1. Create a storymap, and add contents to it.
2. Figure out how to embed 3D models without killing the application.
3. Write several intros to the pinpoints.
4. Figure out how to export data through the story map(which was once thought as impossible).
5. Create the website and embed my map to it.
6. Update the original data document corresponding to the map.

Steps yet to be done:
1. Finish all the readings of the journal and write intro to all of them(estimated time of completion: next week)
2. Add all contents to the storymap demo version(estimated time of completion: mid-April)
3. Figure out how to edit the style of the pointers on the map, b/c now the pointers are hardly visible(this can only be done through github code editing, so that I will have to have host server for the website, which make this seemingly-simple mission extremely hard. I will try to do that after I finished the demo version).
4. Follow-up with my partner frequently to update the data I have(Some necessary pictures still need to be added)
5. Introduce my partner to the ArcGis tool, and let her know how to update in the future.
6. Present the work before final.

DataViz Progress Report

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Diverging Map Age 5-17  

Google Fusion Table

My partners goal for this project is to create an interactive data visualization representing Girl Scout partner potential by comparing current participation to current census data. By using a diverging map the Girl Scouts are able to see where they are reaching more participants than expected and where they are  not reaching enough. This map contains all age data from 5-17 years old broken down into three age groups based off of census data. The maps are using percentage of possible partners to create a diverging map using standard deviation to determine what is above average membership and what is below average membership.

Tasks completed:

  • Organized Girl Scout data into pivot table representing all age levels
  • Combined Girl Scout data with population data
  • Calculated potential partner percentage
  • Used standard deviation to combine data for Google fusion diverging map
  • Created diverging map with all data on one spread sheet
  • Created google fusion template

Things to do:

  • Work with Google fusion template to combine 5 maps
  • Work on issue of only having 3 age levels because of census data
  • Add points containing locations of Girl Scouts meeting places
  • Finalize design of map
  • Work on color scheme for maps to have them match girl scout colors
  • Add a key telling you what each color is representing
  • Use template to edit view window (show actual percentages, decide what should be seen in each window)
  • Tweak template to what partner wants





Binh’s demo-in-progress

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Do minorities have a higher bond? (1998-2014)

Arrest rate per capita (1998-2014)

For this project, my partner would like to create various data visualization based on the bond data in Connecticut. He wants to see how race plays a factor or how many bonds are there for each town in Connecticut. There are many different data visualization you can create with many different variable.

*Updated both leaflet and chart

Steps I’ve completed:
Using a pivot table to arrange my data
Using a leaflet as a data visualization
Using a highChart as a data visualization
Added markers
Adjusted arrest rate per capita

Steps to be done:
Use different ranges of color based on the density
Create more Visualizations with different templates
Manipulate other variables
In progress of making a linkchart

Demo in Progress

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Link to project (still in progress):

My partner’s goal for this project is to create an interactive map of the region, which consists of 37 towns and cities in Connecticut. The map would have five tabs regarding the following information: number of people served, median age, median household income, poverty, and unemployment rate. For each tab, when the users hover the mouse over each town, they would see the key data points in the information window. On the other hand, when they click on each town, the link that leads to the PDF file containing that town’s profile would pop up. The first tab, which shows the number people served, would be the default tab that appears on the organization’s website. This would be the only tab in which all the towns are colored yellow. In the other four tabs, the colors for the towns would be different shades of yellow  from light to dark depending on the data of that town. Furthermore, the project should be sustainable, which means that the data should be easy to update and there should be detailed instructions on how to do so.

Steps I have completed:

  • Discussed with my community partner to present the available options and understand their preference
  • Created multi-tabbed Leaflet map of the region
  • Created the map so that users can hover and click on the towns for information
  • Created the data file for the first four tabs
  • Tried different fill colors for the map

Steps to be done:

  • Insert the data of the fifth tab into the map once I receive the data
  • Decide on the appropriate fill color for the map
  • Calculate the break between ranges of colors for the multi-colored maps
  • Minor changes in the information window and reference at the bottom of the map
  • Write a detailed instructions on how to update the data
  • Create a legend for the map