Assignment 4/5- Google Fusion Table

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For my assignment I used a polygon map of West Hartford, because that is the only area that my partner organization focuses on. There is no data from my organization that I can use yet, as I am currently compiling possibly a useful list of locations in West Hartford such as pediatrics, early dental care units etc, so for now I used Jack’s data of early care providers. This illustrates perfectly what I believe my organization wants with the right information and data. The final product to show a layer of different organizations that are beneficial for early childhood care in West Hartford.

This was my first attempt at layer wizard so there is a lot that needs to be worked on, such as maybe putting the point layer over the polygon data and then changing the colors of the points etc. I believe this is a great first step and once I meet with my partner again I think I will have a clearer understanding of where they want to go from here.

Assignment #3- Great by 8 dataviz priorities

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I had my first meeting with my partnership coordinator, Julia Rusert this week. Julia and I began figuring out where a good starting point is and what I can begin working on. Julia had a student who did some asset mapping of preschool and day care centers last year and so we discussed my making an asset map of other resources such as health care providers, mental health providers, and family resource centers.

Julia also mentioned that Jack is doing the mapping for children who have had the Early Development Instrument done on them and thought it would be helpful if I learned more about that on their website:

My initial thoughts were that batchgeo maps will be very useful for these projects, however, as Julia and I discussed, Great by 8 does not have any data to be able to make such maps yet. Therefore I am beginning to gather data that could potentially be useful. Julia gave me a couple different maps that outline West Hartford for me to begin. Julia suggested that I begin looking for census tracks and census block groups.

map2 map1 map3








My goals this week are to look into and research the location of these resources that are useful, such as pediatric practices and dental locations in West Hartford.

The final goal is to hopefully be able to have one map that overlays all these services with areas of need.


Assignment 2b Great by 8

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For the beginning of this semester I will be working with West Hartford Great by 8.
Great by 8 is an early childhood education and health community organization that focuses on bridging the gap between those that have access to preschool programs and those who do not have the opportunity. Great by 8 aims to address two priorities: 1. Eager and Ready to Learn in order to provide access to preschools and 2. Physically and Emotionally Health to improve children’s overall health and wellbeing.

I have not been able to meet with my partner and thus do not know exactly what their main data visualization goal is. However, I created a map in class and so will embed it here in place of what my organization will want later as I have a meeting set up on Monday 10th.

View Sample bad map in a full screen map