Github modifying–Leaflet storymap

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In this sample I modified several locations and added text, pics in the Geojson file to try to tell an around-the-world tour story. Upon several comparisons I would use Arcgis’s template and their open-source code in Github to modify my project.

Modified Data Girl Scout Population

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Using Grit Hub I was able to create an interactive map showing the most prominent age group for the Girl Scouts population data in each sate. With Grit Hub I was able to edit the color of the lines surrounding the towns and edit the width and height of the map. Being able to make specific changes to the design of the map is allowing me to create the kind of map my community partners are going to find the most useful. Being able to change specific colors will be very useful to organize the different age groups within the Girl Scouts.

Modifying Leaflet Choropleth Map

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For this data visualization, the interactive choropleth map represents the US Population Density. What makes this map unique is that the user can hover over any state and get additional information, unlike Google Fusion where the user needs to click on the state to get information. From GitHub, I have modified the leaflet code by manipulating the height & width of the map, changing the color of the border outline to black when the user hovers over the state, and the width of the border boundaries. An interactive choropleth map is a useful visualization for Police Data and this allows me to be one step closer to creating a data visualization that tells a story of intimate partner violence.

Modifying Leaflet Map Code

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My data visualization is a map, which is still in progress, about the number of adult served by my community partner, the Capital Workforce Partners. By modifying the code from the sample project of Professor Dougherty, the instructor of the class, I created a Leaflet map of 37 towns served by Capital Workforce Partners. The number of people served is shown in the information box in the top right corner when the user hovers the mouse on the map. When a region is clicked on, a small information window with a link to the town profile pops up or it will directly go to the town profile. This feature is subjected to change.