Embed Tableau Public as an iframe in WordPress.org

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To embed a Tableau Public data visualization as an iframe in WordPress, like this:

1) In the Tableau Public server page, click the Share button and copy the source link (not the embed code). For this example, the source link for the sample above is:

2) Remove all of the code after the question mark, to look like this:

3) Add this at the very end of the code:

4) The new source link for the sample above is:

5) Place the new source link inside the iframe plugin shortcode for WordPress, like this:
[iframe src="https://public.tableau.com/views/DataVizBook-simple-scatterchart/Sheet1?:showVizHome=no&:embed=true"]

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AH CAPT Line Chart

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Using data from 2007-2013 school level in various Hartford Public Schools, the chart demonstrates the percent of students at proficiency and the goal on the CAPT. You are able to compare between schools and see the specific achievements of each year when hovering over and clicking a specific point on the line chart. For more information, see tutorial here.

AH CMT Line Chart

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Using data from 2007-2013 school level in various Hartford Public Schools, the chart demonstrates the percent of students at proficiency and the goal on the CMT. You are able to compare between schools and see the specific achievements of each year when hovering over and clicking a specific point on the line chart. For more information, see tutorial here.

Connecticut Schools Map via Socrata Platform

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Powered by Socrata

Using the Socrata platform for the Connecticut open data portal, I used the visualization and filter tools to create this visualization. The visualization differentiates different schools in Connecticut by charter schools, technical schools, magnet schools, state agencies, regional schools, and district schools. The user is able to visually see the points on the map and be able to differentiate the different types of schools in each parts of the regions in Connecticut.

HPS Cohort Filtered Line Chart with Tableau Public 8.2 tutorial

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Using data from 2007-2012 grade level cohorts in various Hartford Public Schools, the chart demonstrates the percent of students at proficiency on the CMT. You are able to compare between schools and see the specific achievements of each year when hovering over and clicking a specific point on the line chart. For more information, see tutorial here.