Trinity College news features DataViz students and community partners

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The Trinity College online news recently featured our DataViz student and Hartford community partnerships. Read the full story, and learn more about this semester’s partnerships and their final presentations.

Norah Do '18 (far left) worked on a DataViz seminar project with Julie Geyer (far right) of Capital Workforce Partners. Photo by Andrew Concatelli.
Norah Do ’18 (far left) worked on a DataViz seminar project with Julie Geyer (far right) of Capital Workforce Partners. Photo by Andrew Concatelli.


Sample presentation: CT Educational Redlining Map

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Reminder: Share your Google Slides, then File > Publish > Embed > Medium iframe

Reminder to insert this:  Direct link to Google Slides

Reminder to practice how to turn on the presentation mode, and to go back and forth to browser mode to view any tabs you open

Text of your transfer and transition plan goes here. . . 

Modifying Leaflet Choropleth Map

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For this data visualization, the interactive choropleth map represents the US Population Density. What makes this map unique is that the user can hover over any state and get additional information, unlike Google Fusion where the user needs to click on the state to get information. From GitHub, I have modified the leaflet code by manipulating the height & width of the map, changing the color of the border outline to black when the user hovers over the state, and the width of the border boundaries. An interactive choropleth map is a useful visualization for Police Data and this allows me to be one step closer to creating a data visualization that tells a story of intimate partner violence.

Embed Tableau Public as an iframe in

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To embed a Tableau Public data visualization as an iframe in WordPress, like this:

1) In the Tableau Public server page, click the Share button and copy the source link (not the embed code). For this example, the source link for the sample above is:

2) Remove all of the code after the question mark, to look like this:

3) Add this at the very end of the code:

4) The new source link for the sample above is:

5) Place the new source link inside the iframe plugin shortcode for WordPress, like this:
[iframe src=""]

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