Updated Map: Part 2

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In building on the map I created last week, I was able to use HTML code to include a legend to the map I created through the Layer Wizard. I still want to add several features, but it is definitely an improvement from the very first map I made. Eventually I would like a drop down menu so viewers can switch through the years. Right now, the map displays data from 2013, but if you click on one of the school’s, you can see the percentage of students who are proficient from 2007-2013. Switching between years would allow viewers to see how each school has progressed over time.

Update to last week’s maps

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The maps below are an updated version of last week’s maps, using the Google Fusion Tables Layer Wizard. The maps are a combination of polygons and points, and shows the four Hartford school zones superimposed on the point map. The Layer Wizard is somewhat limiting as it does not offer an easy solution to include a legend. There is a help section that provides the html code for legends, but never having worked with coding before, I am slow to figure it out.

***Maps to come — Issue with hosting HTML on Google Drive
