
Update to Alternative Schools Map- Assignment #6

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I have updated my data visualization of alternative schools to include a search bar.  This will allow people who are interested in finding an alternative school be able to view a specific school’s information by simply selecting their name.

The next step I would like to take with this visualization is to create an option search bar where someone can select the different qualities they would like in an alternative school and then the data visualization would isolate the schools that met the request.  The way I imagine it is almost like having boxes to check that would filter the schools that appear on the map.  I feel that this will be helpful, because if someone is looking for a school for a middle school aged child, it would be easier if they didn’t have to sift through the high schools.

You can view my data visualization at this link:

Ben Peterson Progress Memo

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Dear Jack and Ms. Levanthal-Weiner,

Thus far, I believe I have made a tremendous amount of progress in attaining the necessary skills to become a skilled Data Visualizer. I have currently produced 3 relevant and unique Data Visualizations, and seeing as I’m now more acquainted with the various dataviz tools, I feel I will be able to produce them far more productively in these final 6 weeks. I hope to create visualizations that will be usable in educational studies classes, and am currently working on one showing the long term achievement gap with NAEP data.

Below are my 3 visualizations:

Assignment 7

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This week Mary and I met to review the Schools in the Park Watershed excel sheet. From there we added columns with color and text ID. This shows the types of schools are which. We created categories that are relevant to nature or watershed research. In Google Fusion tables we were then able to change the point markers and colors to show differences among the schools of the area.

Next step will be to add the polygon layer of the watershed as well as the municipal boundary lines. There needs to be a little clean up done on the pop up boxes (URL links, taking out unnecessary data, etc.). I would like to add a legend as well to distinguish what each color means. Are the colors and markers seen in Google Fusion the only ones we can use? Are there any other ways to change the styles of these markers? Need an explanation on how the map works for the general public.

We were also wondering if there was an excel sheet of the private schools. Mary knows of some popular Environmental programs/schools that are private that would be nice to filter on the map as well.

We would like to integrate this map and its framework into the Park River Watershed website.


Move UP! Progress Memo

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Move UP wants to get involved in data visualization because they believe that it will be an effective way to enhance adult literacy programs in the Hartford Area. Their goal is essentially to help visualize how the demographics pair up with the information about the individuals from the programs in order to see how you can most effectively enhance and promote the programs.

Using the one set of data that I have been given I have been able to experiment with several different types of visualizations and learned how to use multiple different sources in order to assist me in creating the visualizations I want. Most of the visualizations that I have created so far this semester have been maps, or are going to become maps, but I have also made a pie graph (shown below). Depending on what future data comes my way, I could potentially look into making more visualizations beyond just the maps. In terms of the mapping, I have been able to get some basic maps, both layered and not (layered shown below). I am currently working on more layered maps that get the demographics involved, which is getting us much closer to our final goals.

Visualization #1:

Visualization #2:

update by Jack on March 18th: this is an embedded iframe of your dataviz above

Progress Memo

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Now that I am halfway through the semester, I am still working to fulfill the initial data visualization priorities we determined in the beginning of the semester. Our first priority was to create a map displaying the distribution of HPS-run schools and include achievement data. Thus far, I have been able to produce a two-layered map with data points of schools that are color-coded based on the CMT proficiency of that school. There are also outlines of the four school zones, so viewers can easily visualize which schools are in which zones. Now that I have figured out how to create the legend, I can move forward with making a map for the CAPT proficiency for HPS-run high schools. In mapping the high schools, I have run across the issue of multiple high school’s at the same address, so when you click on the data point, you only see one school (ex. Engineering, Law & Gov, and Nursing are all coded with the same address). Once this issue is resolved, the map should be fairly easy to complete. Finally, since we now have a workable template for a searchable feature from Derek Eder, I should be able to now include this.

Update by Jack on March 18th: To illustrate what Marissa wrote above, I have pasted the embed code from her post last week

After listening to Alvin Chang discuss his methods of data visualization, I found his suggestion of making sure you understand what your question is very helpful. When I initially began creating the map, I understood what it showed, but I wasn’t entirely clear on the particular story we wanted to show. After speaking with Rob about this, we determined that the main question for the maps is whether one zone has better choice options than another. I feel more confident moving forward now that I have this question in mind.

The second priority involves interactive line charts that display achievement data over the span of five or six years, enabling viewers to see each school’s progression. The first priority for charts is to create one for cohorts. At the moment, Achieve Hartford has static line graphs that shows cohort progression for each school, but with the help of interactive visualization tools, Rob and I would like to have one line chart to compare different schools. Since one line chart with the 30+ schools on it would be way to cluttered, we determined it would be better to have a checkbox feature that enables the viewer to select specific school’s, or two drop down boxes for viewers to select two specific schools. I would like to have the Hartford average permanent on all graphs, so viewers could compare two schools, but also specific schools to Hartford overall. Once I am able to create this chart, it should be relatively easy to create a second interactive chart that better displays the achievement data across time from the maps.