
Layering Polygon Map

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Map 1

Map 2


My first map shows household income showing a strong variance int the data depending on county. I showed with in this map accurate range of household data within Connecticut which I have at 29,313 – 208,078 and you are able to truthful representation of this data. Within my second map you can be tricked into thinking that Connecticut has a majority of wealthy counties when in reality that is not true. I altered the range in within my second map so that the data would appear differently.




Lying with Maps

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In these 2 maps, I show how the median household income in Connecticut. If you look at map 1, which is the lying map, you can be easily be tricked to think Connecticut has a very high median household income and this shows there isn’t a lot of poverty in Connecticut. Why is this? Because there is a majority of blue in the map that represents this high median household income. This color range from 60,000 to 300,000 dollars percent of the median household income, which put the majority of the population that between the 60,000 to 300,000 dollars. However, in the 2nd map, the range is more accurate and reasonable which shows there are areas that have a very low median income and a variety of other different incomes.

Lying with map–the inequality in median household income in CT

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Map with little difference:


Map shows significant difference:


In the first map, I selected a very broad difference range in the legend, 50000-150000, so that most counties’ median household income fell between this range. As a result, on the map little income difference among counties are shown. People who view the first map on the first glance will think Connecticut as a state with very low income inequality. In the second map, I reduced the difference range and select 70000, 100000 as critical point on my map. As there are many counties whose median household income is less than 70000, and there are many counties with median household income greater than 100000, the map shows a significant income difference among CT counties.

Maps that Lie

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Map #1

Map #2

These two maps display the population of each town and city in Connecticut. In map one I chose to make categories that evenly split the difference between the highest and lowest population into thirds. This displayed most towns in Connecticut in the lowest category (blue) because they all fall below 49,000 people. Highly populated areas like Hartford, Stamford, and other cities were the only areas represented in the other two categories (green and yellow). For the second map, I divided the first category in map one into three separate categories. This shows a variation of categories for smaller towns and portrays a disparity of population across the state.

Income distribution in Conneticut

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The two maps illustrate the income distribution by region in Connecticut. For the first map, I want to “lie” a little bit about the household income distribution visually so that the income distribution looks similar and equal in the state. I chose a wide range of data from 29,313 to 130,000, where most of the data falls into. On the other hand, there’s only few data falls in the other two ranges. So on the map there is little difference among various household income.

For the second map, I want to display an “inequality” of the median household income in the state, so I set a different range. In this map, one range doesn’t have such a great jump as the one I set for the first map. In this way, there are similar amount of data in each range and I could show the great difference in median household income on the map.