Open Data Visualization Workshops in Hartford, July 2014
Tuesday, July 22nd, 12-2pm at Trinity College, Gallows Hill
Sign up to RSVP at

These public workshops offer a hands-on introduction to brand-new open governmental data sites, along with free and easy-to-use tools to create interactive charts and maps to embed on your websites. The first hour will feature short demonstrations on HartfordData and CT Open Data, with tutorials on data tools such as Tableau Public and Google Fusion Tables. During the second hour, participants can meet with presenters for advice about their own data projects. Workshops are designed for newcomers and mid-level data users at non-profit organizations, government agencies, journalism, education, libraries, etc. Bring your own laptop (and lunch, if you wish)
Presenters include Jack Dougherty and Veronica Armendariz from Trinity College; Sabina Sitaru (invited), Chief Information Officer, and Brett Flodine, Project Leader, from the City of Hartford; Tyler Kleykamp, Chief Data Officer, State of Connecticut; Scott Gaul, Community Indicators Project Director, Hartford Foundation for Public Giving; and others TBA.
Trinity wifi (for July 22nd only)
connect to Guest network
username = dataguest
password = dataguest
Workshop overview; self-intros by audience by Sabina Sitaru & Jack Dougherty, 5-10 min
Demo: How to navigate & post suggestions on CT Open Data by Tyler Kleykamp, 5 min
sample data sets, and how users can sign up and post suggestions at CT Open Data
Demo: How to work with nightly/weekly updates on Hartford Data by Brett Flodine, 5 min
sample data sets, with some updated nightly/weekly to provide near-live data, at HartfordData
Other open data sites:
Map and Geographic Information Center at UConn
see Boundaries for map outlines of Connecticut towns, census tracts, school districts, etc.
hint: to convert KMZ boundaries (compressed) into KML (uncompressed) for Google Fusion Tables, upload file into free Google Earth, then right-click to Save Place As > KML
US Census
American Community Survey data – use 5-year-estimates for local data, such as census tracts

Demo: How to create a filtered point map inside Socrata by Veronica Armendariz, 10 min
She will show how to make this CT Schools Map,, based on data from the CT Education Directory in CT Open Data (, following this step-by-step tutorial in the open-access DataViz book,

Demo: How to import data & create online charts in Tableau Public by Scott Gaul, 10 min
freely download Tableau Public 8.2 for Mac/Windows at
will show how to export this dataset from CT Open Data
which he had reformat to use with Tableau Public
to create an online interactive chart
see also Veronica’s new tutorial on building a filtered line chart:
Demo: How to merge data into Google Fusion Tables & create simple web apps by Jack Dougherty and Veronica Armendariz 10 min

Learn about Google Fusion Tables, a free extension for Google Drive (Mac/Win/Chrome)
Tutorials for creating GFT thematic point maps versus polygon maps:
Workshop data for creating a GFT thematic polygon map by merging data from two different sources:
- Spreadsheet data: Owner-occupied median home value by CT towns, American Community Survey 2008-12 estimate, download file to import into Google Fusion Tables
- Boundary data: CT town boundaries 2010, download KML from MAGIC UConn Libraries; convert compressed KMZ into KML using free Google Earth, then Save Place As > KML to import into Google Fusion Tables
Related tools: If you simply wish to display two Google Fusion Table layers in the same web page, try the Google Fusion Tables Layer Wizard
Advanced: How to integrate your GFTs into a search-and-filter web app templates
basic responsive template by Derek Eder from DataMade, Chicago
copy templates, modify to insert your tables and preferences, such as:
a searchable point map
see also two-layer (point and polygon) template
two-layer (point and polygon) with sortable list template
which you can insert into your own organization’s website, like this:
Educational Redlining Map:
Q&A with audience, links to additional resources — no more than 10 minutes
During 2nd hour: audience can meet with presenters to discuss specific data needs.
Workshop challenge: Create a map that displays CT public schools by state legislative districts.
Thursday July 10th, 2014, 3-5pm workshop at Hartford Public Library
agenda similar to the workshop above