Trinity Swank videos

Recently added videos to the Trinity Swank collection

Many classes use library streaming video resources, and we expect this fall will be no different. Films from Kanopy and Swank are on one-year licenses with expiration dates throughout the year. If you’ve used a film in the past, or even checked it recently, it might expire before the class starts.  Records in OneSearch list expiration dates and you may look there or ask us to check for you.

The films below have recently expired or will expire soon. The number of times the film was viewed last year is also indicated. Please check and let us know if there is a film you need to use in the fall so that we can renew the license.

Title Views Provider
A Better Life (2011) 16 Swank
A Bridge Too Far (1977) 32 Swank
Chinatown (1974) 8 Swank
Coming of Age in Aging America – Exploring the Social Impacts of an Aging Population 0 Kanopy
Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter – The Academy Award nominated Doc on Alzheimers 2 Kanopy
Holy Motors (2012) 17 Swank
La Haine (1995) 19 Swank
Monster in the Mind – Investigating the Untruths of Alzheimer’s (playlist) 2 Kanopy
Post Truth Times: We The Media – Navigating Information in a Post-Truth Media Landscape 1 Kanopy
Rocky IV (1985) 26 Swank
Still Doing It 5 Kanopy
The Big Sleep (1946) 12 Swank
The Little Mermaid (1989) 12 Swank
The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 143 Swank

Why Don’t We Live Forever?

0 Kanopy

The films below expired earlier this summer.

Video Title  Provider
Bed and Board  Kanopy
Scottsboro  Kanopy
Scanners  Kanopy
Kedi  Kanopy
People Like Us  Kanopy
A Man Escaped  Kanopy
Killing Us Softly  Kanopy
Donovan’s Reef  Swank
Eye in the Sky  Swank
Margin Call  Swank
Rio Bravo  Swank
The Big Red One  Swank
The Truman Show  Swank