Table of Contents 1972- 1979
- Note on The Differences between a Sensory Modality and a Perceptual System
- The Exploring, Selecting, and Enhancing of Optical Stimulus Information. A New Classification of Ocular Adjustments
- A Note on the El Greco Fallacy: Does It Apply to Methods of Studying Perception?
- With What do We See?
- On the Concept of the “Visual Angle” in an Optic Array and its history
- On the Nature of Pictorial Representation
- Note on the Concept of “What is Given”
- Note on the Perception of Displacement
- Further Note on Formless Invariants as Optical Information for Perception
- Note on The Conceptual Muddle Underlying the Optical Inversion Experiment
- Overt and Covert Attention
- A Neglected Set of Facts about Vision that can only be Comprehended by Ecological Optics
- An Insoluble Puzzle of Epistemology
- A Further Note on the Perceiving of Hidden and Unhidden Surfaces
- Note On the Act of Orienting and the State of Being Oriented
- The Perceiving of the Hidden: A Tentative Set of Theorems
- The Puzzle of Optical Structure
- A Note on the Relation Between Perceptual and Conceptual Knowledge
- A Listing of Supposed Operations on the Data of Sense
- Note on the Norms of Surface Layout
- The Psychophysical Experiment and the Perception Experiment
- The Problem of Information Pickup Psychology 512
- What is the Relation of Concepts to Percepts?
- Note on Proprioception in Relation to Somaesthesis, Self-awareness, and Introspection
- Note on the Apprehension of Formless and Timeless Invariants
- A Note on the Argument from Equivalent Configurations
- Note On Some Types of Visualizing Considered as Extended Forms of Visual Perceiving
- What is it to Perceive?
- Memo on the Process of Perception: Invariance Detection
- Five Kinds of Knowing (Supplement to Note of March 1976)
- Preliminary Tabulation of Processes that have been Supposed to Mediate Perception (Subject to Revision)
- A Tentative Formula for the Perception of Persistence and Awareness of Reality
- Memo on Vision and Touch Considered as Perceptual Systems
- A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art
- A Proposed Terminology for Discussing Images
- A note on substances, surfaces, places, objects, events