Psyc 261 Brain and Behavior
A basic study of the structure and function of the mammalian nervous system with a comprehensive analysis of the biological bases of major classes of behavior. Specific topics include: neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, sensory and motor system functioning, motivated behaviors, learning and memory, emotions, sex, and language. Enrollment in laboratory limited. (1.25 course credits with optional laboratory) The course is designed for declared or intended psychology and neuroscience majors.
Psyc 392 Human Neuropsychology
The course will begin with a cursory review of basic neuroanatomy, brain organization and topography, and neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter conductive systems. Next, an in-depth examination of physiological and neurological manifestations of cognitive and psychopathological disorders as well as behavioral correlates of neuropathological and pathophysiological disturbances will follow. Finally, a survey of current diagnostic procedures and treatment approaches will be presented. All course material augmented with, and accentuated by, illustrative clinical case material. Students should anticipate that special scheduling arrangements will be required for activities outside of regular class sessions.
PSYC 365 Cognitive Neuroscience
This course examines the way in which brain function influences mental processes and overt action. We will consider a range of cognitive functions primarily from the perspective of neuroscience and draw on such related disciplines as cognitive psychology and computational analysis as needed. The functions to be reviewed include perception, attention, memory, language, and thinking. This course includes a community learning component, and students should anticipate that special scheduling arrangements will be required for activities outside of regular class sessions.
This is a competitive program in which students spend 30 hours per week with a mentor at a nearby hospital performing clinical research. Applications due in October and the course runs only in the spring. Please click on the link for more information.
NESC 202 Clinical Neuroanatomy
This course will cover basic clinical neuroanatomical structures. We will attend neuropathology rounds at Hartford Hospital and observe human brain dissections. We will also perform laboratory exercises such as dissecting sheep brains and performing computer neuroanatomy simulations. Structures will be discussed in terms of functions and neurological pathologies with appropriate readings. All students will create a brain atlas of their own.
NESC 201 Introduction to Neuroscience
A team-taught introductory course in neuroscience that will examine the neuron and its biological interactions in animal nervous systems. Topics will include the anatomy, development, chemistry, and physiology of nervous systems.
PSYC 402 Senior Seminar: Psychology of Aging
This course will examine the process of human aging from a number of psychological perspectives. These perspectives include neuropsychology, personality, social psychology, sensation and perception, and psychopathology. In addition, common disorders of aging will be reviewed, including senile dementia of the Alzheimer’s type, depression and age-associated memory loss.