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Raskin SA, DeJoie O*, Edwards C*, Ouchida C*, Moran J*, White O*, Mordasiewicz M*, Anika D*, Njoku B*. (2023). Traumatic brain injury screening and neuropsychological functioning in women who experience intimate partner violence. Clin Neuropsychol. May 24:1-23. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2023.2215489. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37222525.

Cadavid, L.*, Camuy, A.*, Velez, V.*, & Raskin, S. (2023). Measurement of prospective memory in Spanish speakers. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience-Brain Health and Clinical Neuroscience, 17. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1126039

Gromisch, E. S*., Raskin, S. A., Neto, L. O., Haselkorn, J. K., & Turner, A. P. (2023). Appointment attendance behaviors in multiple sclerosis: Understanding the factors that differ between no shows, short notice cancellations, and attended appointments. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 70, 104509.

Nejati V, Fallah F, & Raskin S. (2022). Inhibitory Control Training Improves Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Externalizing Behavior. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi:10.1177/13591045221144356

Gromisch, E.* Turner, A., Neto, L., Haselkorn, J. & Raskin, S. (2022) Identifying prospective memory deficits in multiple sclerosis: Preliminary evaluation of the criterion and ecological validity of a single item version of the memory for intentions test (MIST), The Clinical Neuropsychologist, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2022.2062451

Gomes, K, Ruiz, J, Raskin, S, Turner, A, DelMastro, H, Neto, L., and Gromisch, E.* (2021). The Role of Cognitive Impairment on Physical Therapy Attendance and Outcomes in Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy.

Mills, G.*, Raskin, S., DiMario, F. (2021) Remembering to remember: prospective memory in children with epilepsy, Child Neuropsychology DOI: 10.1080/09297049.2021.1944615

Mills, G.*, Garbarino, J.*, Raskin, S. (2020). Assessing prospective memory in children using the Memory for Intentions Screening Test for Youth (MISTY). The Clinical Neuropsychologist. DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1711198

Belmar, M., Gladwin, T., Reis, L., Pinho, M., Silva, D., Nunes, V., Raskin, S., de Mendonça, A., Pereira, A. (2020). An Exploration of Prospective Memory Components and Subtasks of the Memory for Intentions Test (MIST). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2019.1710111

Banz, B., Worhunsky, P., Pittman, B., Astur, R., Tennen, H., Raskin, S., Austad, C., Wood, R., Fallahi, C., Potenza, M. Pearlson, G. (2019). Relationships between drinking quantity and frequency and behavioral and hippocampal BOLD responses during working memory performance involving allocentric spatial navigation in college students, Drug and Alcohol Dependence,Volume 201,236-243,

Albada, N., Khan, K., Pedro, C.*, & Raskin, S. (2019). Culture and Memory in the Caribbean. In M. Riggio and H. Cateau (Eds): Turning Tides: Randle Publications, Ltd of Jamaica

Raskin, S. (2019).  Current Approaches to Cognitive Rehabilitation.  In:  C. Armstrong and L. Morrow (Eds.). Handbook of Medical Neuropsychology: Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience, second edition.  Springer Press: New York

Raskin, S. (2018). Prospective memory in clinical practice. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 32, 741-747.

Raskin, S., Williams, J* & Aiken, E.* (2018). A Review of Prospective Memory in Individuals with Brain Injury. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 32, 891-921.

Dager, A., Tice, M., Book, G., Tennen, H., Raskin, S., Austad, C., Wood, R., Fallahi, C., Hawkins, K., & Pearlson, G. (2018). Relationship between fMRI response during a nonverbal memory task and marijuana use in college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 188, 71-78.

Raskin, S., Shum, D., Ellis, J., Pereira, A., & Mills, G. (2018). A comparison of laboratory, clinical and self-report measures of prospective memory in healthy adults and individuals with brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 40, 423-436..

Meda, S., Dager, A., Hawkins, K., Tennen, H., Raskin, S., Wood, R., Austad, C., Fallahi, C., & Pearlson, G. (2017). Heavy drinking in college students is associated with accelerated gray matter volumetric decline over a 2 year period.  Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

 Khadka, S., Stevens, MC, Aslanzadeh, F., Narayanan, B., Hawkins, K., Austad, C., Raskin, S., Tennen, H., Wood, R., Fallahi, C. Potenza, M., Pearlson, G. (2017). Composite impulsivity-related domains in college students.  Journal of Psychiatric Research, 90, 118-125.

Meda, SA, Gueorguieva, RV, Pittman, B., Rosen, RR, Aslanzadeh, F., Tennen, H., Leen, S., Hawkins, K., Raskin, S., Wood, RM, Austad, CS, Dager, A., Fallahi, C., & Pearlson, G. (2017). Longitudinal influence of alcohol and marijuana use on academic performance in college students.  PLoS One, 12,

Raskin, S., Smith, MP*, Mills, G*, Pedro, C.*, & Zamroziewicz, M.* (2017). Prospective memory intervention using visual imagery In individuals with brain injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 12, 1-16.

Worhunsky, P., Dager, A., Meda, S., Khadka, S., Stevens, M., Austad, C., Raskin, S., Tennen, H., Wood, R., Fallahi, C., Potenza, M., & Pearlson, G. (2016). A preliminary prospective study of an escalation in “maximum daily drinks,” fronto-parietal circuitry and impulsivity-related domains in young adult drinkers.  Neuropsychopharmacology, 41, 1637-1647.

Zamrociewicz, M*, Raskin, S., Tennen, H., Wood, R., Fallahi, C., Dager, AD, Sawyer, B., Leen, S., & Pearlson, G. (2017). Effect of drinking patterns on prospective memory performance in college students. Neuropsychology, 31, 191-199.

Smith, E*, Raskin, S., & de Joya, A. (2015). Clinical Utility and Psychometric Properties of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF in Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury.  Rehabilitation Psychology, 60(3).

Raskin, S., Lovejoy, D., Stevens, M., Zamroziewicz, M., & Oakes, H. (2014).  Mild traumatic brain injury.  In: H. Levin, D. Shum, & R. Chan (eds.).  Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review of the Research and Future Directions.  Oxford University Press: New York.

 Dager, A.D., Jamadar, S., Stevens, M.C., Rosen, R. Jiantonio-Kelly, R.E., Sisante, J., Raskin, S.A., Tennen, H., Austad, C.S., Wood, R.M., Fallahi, C.R., & Pearlson, G.D. (2014). fMRI response during figural memory task performance in college drinkers. Psychopharmacology.  231(1):167-79

Raskin, S., Lovejoy, D., Stevens, M., Zamroziewicz, M., & Oakes, H. (2014).  Mild traumatic brain injury.  In: H. Levin, D. Shum, & R. Chan (eds.).  Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review of the Research and Future Directions.  Oxford University Press: New York.

Dager, A.D., Jamadar, S., Stevens, M.C., Rosen, R. Jiantonio-Kelly, R.E., Sisante, J., Raskin, S.A., Tennen, H., Austad, C.S., Wood, R.M., Fallahi, C.R., & Pearlson, G.D. (2014). fMRI response during figural memory task performance in college drinkers. Psychopharmacology.  231(1):167-79

Armeli S, Dranoff E, Tennen H, Austad CS, Fallahi CR, Raskin S, Wood R, Pearlson G. (2014). A longitudinal study of the effects of coping motives, negative affect and drinking level on drinking problems among college students. Anxiety, Stress and Coping, 27(5); 527-541.

Raskin, S., Maye, J.*, Rogers, A.*, Correll, D.*, Zamroziewicz, M*, & Kurtz, M.  (2014).  Prospective memory in schizophrenia: Relationship to medication management skills, neurocognition, and symptoms in individuals with schizophrenia. Neuropsychology, 28(3):359-65

Bezdicek, O., Raskin, S., Altgassen, M., & Ruzicka, E. (2014). Assessment of Prospective Memory—a Validity Study of Memory for Intentions Screening Test.  Ceska A Slovenska Neurologie A Neurochirurgie,  77/110(4): 435-443.

Holt, L., Armeli, S., Tennen, H., Austad, C., Raskin, S., Fallahi, C. Wood, R., Rosen, R., Ginley, M., Pearlson, G. (2013). A person-centered approach to understanding negative reinforcement drinking among first year college students.  Addictive Behavior, 12, 2937-2944.

Ahmadi, A., Pearlson, G., Meda, S., Dager, A., Potenza, M., Rosen, R., Austed, C., Raskin, S., Fallahi, C., Stevens. M. (2013). Influence of alcohol use on neural response to Go/No-Go task in college drinkers.  Neuropsychopharmacology, 11, 2197-2208.

Dager, A., Anderson, B., Stevens, M., Pulido, C., Roson, R., Jiantonio, R., Sisante, J., Raskin, S., Tennen, H., Austad, C., Wood, R., Fallahi, C., & Pearlson, G. (2013).  Influence of family history  of alcoholism on neural response to alcohol cues in college drinkers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37, E161-E171.

Raskin, S., Buckheit, C., &Waxman, A.* (2012).  Effect of Type of Cue, Type of Response, Time Delay and Two Different Ongoing Tasks on Prospective Memory Functioning after Acquired Brain Injury.  Rehabilitation Psychology, 22:1, 40-64.

Raskin, S., Woods, S.A., Poquette, A., J., McTaggart, A.B., Sethna, J.* , Williams, R., & Troster. A. (2011).  A differential deficit in time versus event-based prospective memory in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychology, 25 (2) 201-209.

Raskin, S., Mills, G.* and Garbarino, J.* (2011).  Practice Related Changes in Brain Activity.  In: S. Raskin (ed). Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation.  Guilford Press: New York.

Raskin, S. (2010).  Current Approaches to Cognitive Rehabilitation.  In:  C. Armstrong and L. Morrow (Eds.). Handbook of Medical Neuropsychology: Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience (pp. 505-518).  Springer Press: New York.

Raskin, S. (2009). MIST:  Psychometric properties and clinical evidence.  Brain Impairment, 10 (1), 23-33.

Raskin, S. and Sohlberg, M.  (2009). Prospective memory intervention: A review and evaluation of a pilot restorative intervention.  Brain Impairment, 10 (1), 76-86.

Raskin, S., Bloom, R., & Borod, J. (2001). Rehabilitation of emotional deficits in neurological populations: a multidisciplinary perspective. In: J. Borod (ed.): Neuropsychology of Emotion (pp. 413-431). Oxford University Press: New York, NY.

Morrison, C., Borod, J., Brin, M., Raskin, S., Germano, I., Weisz, D., & Olanow, C. (2000).  A program for neuropsychological investigation of deep brain stimulation (PNIDBS) in movement disorder patients: Development, feasibility, and preliminary data.  Neuropsychiatry,  Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, 13, 204-219.

Palmese, C.* & Raskin, S. (2000). The rehabilitation of attention in individuals with mild   traumatic brain injury, using the APT-II programme. Brain Injury, 14, 535-548.

Mateer, C., & Raskin, S. (1999). Cognitive rehabilitation. In: M. Rosenthal, E. Griffith, M., Kreutzer, J. & Pentland, B. (eds):  Rehabilitation of the Adult and Child with Traumatic Brain Injury (third edition) (pp. 254-270).  F.A. Davis Company: Philadelphia, PA

Raskin, S. , Mateer, C., and Tweeten, R. (1998). Neuropsychological assessment of individuals with mild traumatic brain injury.  The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12, 21-30.

Raskin, S. (1997). The relationship between sexual abuse and mild traumatic brain Injury. Brain Injury, 11, 587-603.

Raskin, S. & Sohlberg, M. (1996). The efficacy of prospective memory training in two adults with brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 11(3), 32-51.

Sohlberg, M. & Raskin, S. (1996). Principles of generalization applied to attention and memory interventions. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 11(2), 65-78.

Raskin, S. & Rearick, E.  (1996). Verbal fluency in individuals with mild traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology, 10, 416-422.

Raskin, S. (1996). Training of prospective memory following acquired brain damage. In: M Sohlberg (ed.): Cognitive Rehabilitation Newsletter (pp. 21-29). Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders. Special Interest Division 2: Rockville, MD.

Raskin, S. And Mateer, C. (1994). Rehabilitation of cognitive impairments. In Good (ed.): Handbook of NeuroRehabilitation (pp. 243-258). Marcel-Dekker: New York.

Raskin, S. and Gordon, W. (1992) The impact of different approaches to cognitive remediation on generalization. NeuroRehabilitation, 2 (3), 38-45.