
cover of the Winter 2021 magazine


I thought the content of the winter 2021 issue of the Reporter was just right, and I appreciated the “Endnote.”

Allan Atherton ’64
Louisville, Kentucky


Congratulations on a very nice piece of work [the fall 2020 issue]. I can’t recall such a set of intriguing articles and exciting and inviting graphics in a previous issue (not that I’m saying there weren’t; I just wasn’t as intrigued as I am by this one). And for what it’s worth, I do have at least a semi-trained ear and eye: I was a marketing manager and copywriter early in my career, and for 25 years, I was an artists’ representative for photographers and illustrators, mainly in this area. In fact, one of my photographers, Robert Reichert, shot the cover portrait and accompanying candids for The Reporter when Jimmy Jones was introduced as president. …    

Specific aspects I especially like: the cover photo; the outsize headlines, which nonetheless remain readable; the “Lessons from History” article, both copy and graphics; and dedicating a full page to “The Connecticut River.” The photo is a bit wan, IMHO, but then again the poem [by Caroline Richards ’22] is about industry, and that’s captured by the photo. Great piece of writing.

Thank you … the presentation literally encouraged me to read more. And the copy encouraged me to keep reading.

Chip Caton ’71
Bloomfield, Connecticut


It was so wonderful to see an article about Jerry Hansen and his legacy at Trinity [“Mr. Trinity Himself,” spring 2020]. However, I truly feel that there is no amount of words that can paint an accurate picture of how much impact Jerry has had on the college, its student body, and alumni, especially. 

I know I am only one among thousands (and thousands) who got to know Jerry while an undergrad at Trinity and who feels that he’s made a lasting impression on their life.           

I had the pleasure of interacting with him as a tennis player, Alumni Office student employee, class officer, member of an alumni club, and part of his staff in the Alumni Office. He was always warm and approachable, encouraging and nurturing, and gave great counsel and advice on just about everything. Most importantly, he expected a lot out of me, so I learned to expect a lot out of myself.   

He was instrumental in my career advancement at Trinity and beyond; he wrote my business school recommendation and made a personal phone call on my behalf. He didn’t have to do that—I don’t even think I asked him for that assistance—but he did it with pleasure and with conviction and never made me feel that I owed him anything for it but to be happy and successful.       

While I moved on from Trinity and lived up and down the eastern coastline, Jerry and his equally amazing wife, Georgia, tried to keep up with me the best they could, through holiday cards, phone calls, and letters. He’s never given up on me from a personal or professional standpoint. I am grateful that Jerry has been in my life now for close to 35 years as a mentor, a friend, and a father figure. 

And, he’s still got his wit, humor, and kindness. I had a lovely conversation with him just before reading this article. He made me laugh, he listened intently to what was going on in my life, and, of course, we talked about Trinity. And, I’ll tell you, whenever I talk to Jerry, my heart warms for Trinity all over again, and I am motivated to support the college. In my eyes, there is no replacing this man, ever.     

Thank you for paying tribute to Jerry and his family, and the honors he has received over the years from the college are well deserved. I am sure there will be many more! 

Karen Isgur Damon ’92
Andover, Massachusetts


The Trinity Reporter welcomes letters related to items published in recent issues. Please send remarks to the editor at sonya.adams@trincoll.edu or Sonya Adams, Office of Communications, Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106.